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There Are More Things in Heaven and Earth

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Alpo: Thanks. I hope this didn't render you speechless, you always have such nice things to say. Thanks immensely for your kind comment on this odd little creation.



Denise L: I was so charmed by your barn. It reminded me of some of O'Keeffe's West Texas paintings, some of my favorites.



Katherine: Thanks so much. It's always nice to hear your thoughts.

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Jeff... I offered the first comment on this one, and now I get to offer the 100th comment! When I looked at my "follow up on comments..." I thought my eyes were fooling me (99 comments?)...and then I thought...what the hell is going on over there! ;)


I think I read about 90% of the comments and what stood out to me was that despite the diversity of thought and opinions expressed... there was a distinct abscence of bad attitudes and harsh words. Lots of respect shown by all, which is not only commendable in and of itself, but it made for a very stimulating, thought provoking, and substantive dialogue.


I won't attempt to add much to what has been said...just a little.


Jeff... Even though this fine photograph has been dissected from every angle, I still can't put into words why this photograph appeals to me so much. You commented about the picture not having "deeper meaning". That really didn't play into my difficulty in offering a comment. I generally steer clear of trying to read the photographer's "message"...I just could't get a grip on my own reaction. And I still can't...so I won't attempt what I know I can't accomplish! So, I'm just going to look at it...and enjoy it!


Although anyone could read through this discussion and benefit in numerous ways, there was one comment that was of great personal value to me.


Gordon Bowbrick if you're out there listening still...there was a paragaph in which you described the creative process that you employ in taking/making photographs. It almost flawlessly described the process that I use...but could never seem to put into a cohesive statement. Maybe if I slid you a few bucks I could get your permission to use it in that bio I've avoided writing for over a year now! ;)


Looking forward to being the 1st and 100th person to comment on your next masterpiece Jeff!



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Thanks so much for your comment. It's nice to have this flurry of comments, quite surprising to me, bookended by you. I was pleased and surprised to garner such wonderful and thoughtful comments on this photo. As you said, everyone was respectful and civil, even at points where the car could've leaped into the crowd. I think this was a model of how discussion, debate, and criticism should be.



Like you, I've had moments where someone has been utterly disrespectful in commenting--thankfully a rare occurrence. I think certain people troll for a good fight, but move on if you give them nothing to feast upon. My favorite quote ever: "Never wrestle with a pig. You only get dirty and the pig likes it." The group of folks who commented on this photo represent some of the nicest and most intelligent folks on PN. The discussion was delicious. Whether someone liked this photo or any photo is secondary. Anyhow, my free associations for the morning. Thanks again. And kudos for your own collection of creative pieces.

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I sometimes find it difficult to give proper critique, since english is not my daily language so I will keep it short:) But to me you have managed to make an old looking house come alive; the light and colors are excellent and compliment the house very well. The reflections on the roof are wonderful. Great work - wall art indeed:)
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Ohhh wow! now I need a rest from scrolling down here LOL. Jeff this really is

fantastic. It is eye catching mood stiring, and Very interesting, creative and artistic. Nice One !!


Kind Regards Andrea

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The truly great pictures are great because we don't know why? They make you stop and think and look that little bit longer than usual, and then they make you return and stare again. I don't know why I find this picture great and I don't want to, I just know I'll be back and stare a bit longer again.


Look at the volume of comments, speaks of greatness to me.


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Inger: Your English is fantastic. Thanks so much for your thoughts.



Andrea: I was surprised this garnered much attention. I appreciate your comment.



Antanas: Thanks. I picked up a trick or two by watching your work.



Kelvin: Appreciated!!!!



Kevin: Thanks always for your erudite impressions. This is a silly little creature of a shot, but I liked the outcome.

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An extremely interesting and intriguing image. I had to look at this for a while deciding whether it is what I think it is, and still am not quite sure that I've come to grips with it. I like your making me question my perception in a way that rarely happens. I see this as an image in top and bottom halves, and my effort is to make them a coherent unit. Makes me dig deep - well done!


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I just wanted to have the last word on what HAS to be the longest critique thread I've ever seen on PN. So congrats on a great picture, and a great thread...
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Roger: Always happy to disorient you. Thanks for joining into the confusion.



Tim: I don't know what to make of the extensive comments. I'm not sure if it says anything regarding the strength of the photo, but it certainly served as a piece of wall art while some interesting folks were carrying on conversation. Thanks.

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Well, hmmm...clearly i've NEVER seen something like that!!! so much creativity in your mind:) congrats!!!!!!!
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Very successful discussion ! In French we would say le dernier salon ou l'on cause ! (the last really in place in PN ?). Ciao, Alx
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with so much said above i'm even more speachless so I'll just say very beautiful and wish u a good evening
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Adela: A belated thanks for your comment.



Alex: PN has moments where the conversations are far better than the photos. This is one of them.



Ger: I'm glad you weren't totally speechless. Thanks for dropping by.

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Great photo, I love the colors and grading.


* Now going to read all the comments ( I'm curious to see why there are so much of them )



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...for me to digest. I just wanted to say this is a great image. I generally don't care what the person did to arrive at the image, I just respond viscerally to what's in front of me. I love the sense of foreboding and anger in the sky above the billboard contrasted with the more peaceful blues of the sky promised on the billboard. The autumn colored oranges are muted, not overdone and are the correct negative to balance the blues.


To me, photography is "writing with light." The individual tastes we have within photography seem to mirror our tastes in authors: some people prefer raw, stripped down, and simple prose (a la Hemingway), others more involved, stylized, intellectual writing. There is room for it all.


Cheers, Jay

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Laurent-Paul: Thanks. I was happy that the photo stimulated such interesting discussion. I hope you didn't get eyestrain.



Jay: I think you've presented a good argument about why it's so difficult to have an end-all, be-all discussion about art. Art truly is a matter of taste and emotional stirring, hardly transferable to other folks. There are many times when I'm invited to others' homes where I'm aghast regarding their decorating and artistic tastes, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual if they were to visit mine. I have a similar feel with art. Each person has his or her own background that dictates what stirs them or is deemed "art." Different strokes for different folks, as they say.

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Although most everything has been said of this image, I have to add that I think it is absolutely stunning for all of the reasons above. Just the fact that it has garnered so many comments is proof enough of how wonderful this is. I thought it was a barn when I first opened it up (I used to build barns and have a special place in my heart for them...) but the real fun is in taking the time to fully digest the information and the feeling of the image. The tones and colors are gorgeous, and the reflected sky in the "roof" are fantastic. This is just superb-


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Thanks so much for your comment. This was a fun photo to create. I was certainly surprised by all the comments it generated. I appreciate your review of it.
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Jeff, I find I return repeatedly to the pieces of art and literature that I find compelling and resonant. This photo is one of them. Just thought I would let you know. Cheers, Jay
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