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As seen at the Botanical Gardens - Is this "cyclamen"?


Shot in RAW. Post-processing in Adobe Bridge, ACR, and Photoshop cs3. Exposure details: f/2.8, 1/250", ISO100.

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You're right! You don't usually see flowers in my portfolio. :-) My 5-year-old nephew is staying with me for a few days (which is why I haven't been on PN for a bit). He is truly a budding photographer (forgive the pun). Two years ago he was already wanting to try to take pictures. Awhile back, I gave him an old P&S film camera that he used so much it broke. That's him in this picture with my P&S. Then I started buying him disposable film cameras. He has taken some decent pics for a 5-year-old. He really loves color and texture in his images. Already. (No joke!) So for Christmas, his parents got him a P&S digital, which he takes EVERYWHERE!

I have been wanting to get down to the Buffalo Botanical Gardens, which are supposed to be wonderful. I figured that it would be a good opportunity to take my nephew somewhere that he would enjoy taking pictures. But I knew it was a crap shoot ... he might be bored after 10 minutes. (His Aunt Lou Ann, by the way, was bored after about 20 minutes.)

Well, no joke ... he kept us there taking pictures yesterday afternoon for THREE HOURS! I was ready to fall over. He kept saying, "We still have some of the cactus room left, and then we have to go see the orchids!" Amazing.

So, while I was there, I took some pictures of my own. I don't have a macro lens, so I used my 50mm, set it to Av f/2.8, and hoped for the best. Here's one that I like so far. Your thoughts?

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Very pretty. Like the deep colors fading into the light colors, or is it the reverse. ;-) Looks like it's suspended in the air.
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Spring is where you find it. this is lovely. your nephew sounds amazing. kids are so much fun to be around. they can really open one's mind if you are so inclined... and i know that YOU are!
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