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My morning view while driving to work - (View LARGER)


Cropped, sharpened, levels checked and framed.

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A very interesting reality capture,that allows me to realize how severe the winter is there nowadays.Intense cold,slippery roads,short days,subdued colours and the presence of the sun,always low in the horizon for the most part of the day...just tell me if I'm wrong in imagining the conditions in your place!
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While this was shot, it was about -6 degrees celsius and the light was really captivating. Actually, this winter has been one of the warmest for quite some time. Usually we have had a whole lot more severe freezing weeks and equally lot`s of more snow. But PhoS, you got your evaluation quite right. The last weeks have been joyful, as every week brings about 20-40 minutes of more daylight and it gives more energy for daily tasks. The darkest weeks are usually very melancholical - at least for me.


So, thank you all, again.


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