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© Lisa A. Rose




© Lisa A. Rose

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Lisa, if you don't mind my asking...tell me your thoughts on this photo, i.e., why you shot it, what effect your were going for...in other words, critique it as though it were someone else's photograph?
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This is, actually, a boring photo. This is one of those pictures where the heart (or, rather, the stomach) takes over the eyes and head, like taking a picture of a loved one and seeing the loved one rather than seeing the composition, color, etc.


I agree that the angle could have been wider. Also, there is not so much color -- should've added ketchup, too, but that would've ruined the taste. Maybe a little more green peppers (yuk, too). The original purpose of the purchase was to eat.


The purpose of the *photo* was to include the viewer in the desire of wanting the sausage. The foreground was supposed to help that, but there was not enough of a foreground. The sausage, itself, can't even be seen. There's too much onion. And the color of the onion doesn't give anything to the picture. The picture, overall, is too dark, and the noise above the sausage is distracting.

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Your comments reflect what was at the heart of my asking you to critique the photograph yourself. YOU obviously have the ability...as we all do, to objectively critique our own work. It just requires the desire to be honest with ourselves. We may not always have an understanding of particular technical issues that might interfere with the success of the shot...but in general, we know if it's a successful shot, or not. As well, I have to be honest in saying that although I felt I owed it to you to point out the photo's deficiencies, I would rather have had you do it...than myself. ;) In one sense, I don't enjoy telling someone..."this photo doesn't work for me"...and I especially don't enjoy pointing out each detail. In the end, I didn't have to be the bearer of bad news, and much more importantly... you were able to view the shot for what it is...not what you "intended" it to be. I believe that being objective about your own work is perhaps the most important aspect of becoming a skilled photographer. I can't commend you enough!


In stark contrast to your reaction...there was a young lady who posted a very, very similar photo this past year. My critique of her photo was once again, very similar to how you critiqued this one. Although pleasant in her disagreement...she endlessly attempted to defend and justify every failure of the photograph. I don't see her in the community any longer...and wonder if she's even taking pictures any more. People who can't be realistic about their abilities...and who can't be taught...don't last long in this art form. At the best (or worst) they continue to shoot bad or mediocre pictures. If they're happy to go on in their "blind bliss"...more power to them! But ten years from now...you won't see any progress in their work. I don't see this for your future! best regards, john

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