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© Darren C Henry Photography 2008


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© Darren C Henry Photography 2008

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Nude and Erotic

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Project Warrior Title:


I know it's early, but with Nicki's B-Day today, and yesterday being

Valentines, I thought I'd put it up.


Let me know what you think.

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This is how NASA is spending my tax dollars?


Interesting shot, but the moon edge isn't sharp enough, especially on the left.

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Great celebration of LOVE Darren. Love the romance and passion. Nice editing. My favorite thing, technically, about this is that the lighting on your shoulder and the back of her leg and lower back really look as though they are reflections from bright spots on the moon. It ties it together nicely.



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Thank you all for the comments


I see the 3/3 and 4/4ers are here... LOL! Oh well... As long as you guys like it!


As far as it goes with the left side of the moon being out a bit... Ya, I did that on purpose... tried to add a bit of a glow to the moon... Not too sure if it worked out at all... Guess not! LOL!


To make this shot, it took 4 images... 2 for the moon, 1 for the stars, and then of coarse... US! LOL!

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Wonderful shot, very creative...Don't know if the glow around the moon is your doing or part of the exposure on the moon. If its not supposed to be there, I don't know much about this myself only started looking but Alpha Channels will help you there, there is a good contrast so its perfect for them..

You like getting your clothes off or what?

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I also love the B&W texture. I would say that the feeling of the High Pass filter is cool here (if you used that) if not it would be cool to see what it would do to this picture over this too.


I don't know if you could increase this pictures mood anymore than it already is.


Showing just enough but not to much is perfect.



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Hey Ger


I added the glow... trying to make it look bright to work with the highlights on us...


And ya... Love taken off the clothes!! LOL!


Thanks Micki


I did ass the high pass both to the background and the foreground seperately.

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I'm going all mushy now.... it's beautiful - the embrace is perfect! I'm not crazy about the moon (just personal taste) but I understand the importance nad signifigance of it. It's a wonderful shot! ( I would prefer just the stars and no moon - you know - starstruck and all that)
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Ya, I understand Jan... But for the shot to be like I wanted it to be... the moon was nessessary.


I was talking to Angela, and I think I might do an entire "Lovers" series... I've got two shots now, and have ideas for a few more... Maybe I'll do a star struck one... Actually, Antoni-Ass had a great idea for one that involves stars...

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If they wanted them done... Should be fun... Maybe I should get in better shape before I do the series?!?!? LOL!
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Woohoo! Fun shot, Darren! I agree about losing the glow around the moon, though...you don't need it. It would stand well on its own. Love how the light is hitting the two of you, as said, it looks like the moonlight is really lighting you. Of course, the pose is great as well. Definitely looking forward to the series and no...you look fine just as you are! :)



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OK, I don't normally bitch about the 3's on my work... But to get two on this with no reason why... Kinda pisses me off... I understand that this is not everyones cup of tea, but if there is a reason other than you just don't like it for the 3's, I would really like to know.


I don't really expect a response to this post... The people that choose to leave 3's that way are mostly cowards, I just felt like venting.

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Wonderful work Darren its a great image, the PP must of taken ages to put this all together so well.


Top marks Rich.

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