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A Fountain


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This is a fairly unusual (to me anyway) fountain, and was a challenge

to shoot in a way that brings out the aspects most striking to me. I

think this works pretty well, but I'd like to know if you agree, and

if so how. And of course I want to know if you don't agree and why.

What would you suggest to make this better?

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This is a wonderful photo. I have never seen this fountain but I feel it has been captured superbly. I am at a bit of a loss to offer suggestions for improvement... as strange as that may be :) Perhaps a very tiny crop on the right border just before the edge of the final pillar. This would eliminate that bright area which is a bit close to the edge of the frame.


The side lighting from the sloping rays of the sun work to accentuate the side of those vertical pillars and makes them jump out from the background. The quality of light also infuses the scene with a warmth and softness which suites the water with it's slight motion blur. The side light also brings my attention to the three palms in the background. The horizontal lines and checker board look of the background building is what really brings this image to life for me. I like the juxtaposition of these two elements and the tension between the vertical/horizontal aspect and the diagonals created where the two elements collide. I think this is my favourite " Seltzer " to date... nice work David!

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Thanks, Gord! The fountain is in a reflecting pool in a children's park in San Diego, near the waterfront. If the fountain has a name I didn't get it, but it's one of the most unusual fountains I've seen. The water sprays rotate, too, and the spray is fine enough that there's basically no water noise... or maybe it's drowned out (pardon the pun!) by the nearby traffic, trolleys, and freight trains that pass within about fifty yards of the little park. It's quite an interesting place. I was only in San Diego briefly, and this was one of my "targets of opportunity." I'm so pleased this is your favorite to date!
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The balcony lines squiggle as if they're reflected! That adds a very interesting element to the repeated-lines-and--grid motif: add the spray and the pastel tones and viola! This IS really terrific!
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I'm glad you like this, and thanks for looking and commenting. Your opinion means alot to me. Regards, David
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I too find this photo fascinating as I look the "network" of water drops and sense the beautiful sidelight. You used good shutter speed to get some motion blur and the timing seems good too.


As you asked for suggestions I hope you won't get upset as I worked a little on this one. For editing I have PhtoShop Elements 5.0 and I did following: duplicated the image into another layer, changed it from Normal to Hard Light and played with the Opasity, down to about 27%, then flattened the layers, which is not neccesary thoug There are many work ways to obtain the same effect, this might be new to you, and is something I do on my own photos. The cropping Gordon suggested borders the palm trunk quite closely on the right. Being picky I also cropped on the left and bottom too I wonder what you think as you see this alternative on your display (mine is calibrated)?


PS Thanks for your visit and comments! Appreciated.

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Mind? Would I mind?? How could I possibly mind to have you take time and energy to spend working on my image?! I am so flattered. And I must say you've made changes I find very pleasing. Your crop is tighter and I think that's an improvement. And your hard light treatment has the effect of eliminating most of the mist and bringing out the definition of the water sprays and drops, as well as bringing up the contrast and making the shot punchier overall. I still like my original, but I'd have been just as happy to post it as you've done it.



Thanks for the info on what you did in Elements. I've played a little with layers and different lighting, and I sometimes use a sharpening technique I read about that uses another layer, the high pass filter and soft light to sharpen an image. But I really don't have much idea of what all the lighting choices can do. Looks like I'd do well to learn more about it!


Anyway, thank you very, very much for looking, working on my picture, and giving me a very constructive and thoughtful critique!

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This is quite interesting, I would say one of the best on PN I have seen for a while. Bold or soft, is not so important for me. It works so well for me because it is kind of enigmatic, a prerequisite for an outstanding photo. At first sight, I thought it was a reflection flipped vertically, maybe because of the wave-like background building. Then I discovered the nice array of verticals with a break by the spray. Another nice element is the color contrast. All together, a photo that holds my interest for a long while.
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Wow! Thanks, Carsten! I'm really glad this image holds your attention so well. Your very positive comments give me much encouragement!
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