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"Bovine Blizzard"

susan stone

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While I like this image a lot and am glad the truck isn't there :) , I prefer the other one.


Here, I do love the movement and energy of the snow. It feels fiercer and more brisk than in the other one. But is also feels more separated from the rest of the image in that, for me, it acts like a screen. In the other, what I responded to so viscerally was how the swirling snow merged with the swirling cows almost making atmosphere and subject one, blending elements in the photo into a truly impressionistic event.

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Hello Fred, last night when I couldn't sleep I was thinking about your comments on the other image and the point about the truck and a light bulb came on....you were seeing the "impressionistic" appeal to the image and a truck just doesn't belong there, I had to get over my "need" to see the truck there in order to really appreciate just how "artful" the image could be, instead of purely docuementary for myself. And for that I'm thankful to you. You have no idea how much I enjoy reading your comments on other's imagery, always astute and lucid but with so much personal and emotional perspective.
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I too love this one! I've been sitting here by the fire, and it's now gone out, and I'm going to have to get under the electric blanket to warm up after this image! It's mild (but cold) in town, but every time I go up the mountain the weather looks like a blizzard. I don't remember another winter that was this wild on the mountain. I need to go back up there:~) Keep up the awesome work, Girl!
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I'm surprised you can even get into the cabin this time of year, someone must plow it out so the year around folks can get home. I loved being there and hope to be again. I picture you sitting there by the fire with your laptop. Blizzard pictures are hard to create unless there's a dark background to show the snow, your two snow posts were absolutely beautiful and I thought that one might of been near the "outhouse" area. We'll have to go again.
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Very fun and looks a bit windy! I can take the cold but that kind of WIND ughh I like the red tags and the simplicity of winter as seen - we are having our fair share of snow this year too! Fun to watch the horses play in it especially the baby!
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Yep, the first snow photo was between the outhouse and the highway. The second one was taken from inside the cabin, but shhh, don't tell:)
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Hey PNF, look who the wind blew in! I don't mind the cold but when the wind's howling it really pulls the temps down, it's warmer now....yeah!


Mum's the word Kim.....

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Niiice! The red flames on each ear really does it for me...I like how cow sometimes act like penguins huddling up in groups...but I still think it's by accident! This shot reminds me of winter??!! I think spring will be here soon...love it.... Juan
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Our weather has finally turned around and the snow is melting and now we've got acres of MUD. Those cows do huddle during these blizzards, they even take turns as to who has to stand on the outside and take the brunt of the storm. I'm headed South again the end of April for another "look around" for a new spot to homestead.
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Hi Susan!


And here's me planning a trip to Montana in September this year and you won't be there? This means no snow, no glorious sunshine, no moody bovines and no rusting trucks? Tell me I'm wrong, please! Otherwise... I'll be on your doorstep (i.e. within the state) in a few months time!


Joking apart - very best wishes wherever you go. Your photographs are not limited by state boundaries!


Pete :)

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I'll most likely be here Pete and I'd love for you to stop by for a visit, I've hosted several other PN members and "the latch string's always out", drop me an email and let me know when you'll be wandering through.
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This is just fanastic - such atmosphere! It looks so cold!!! Here I am sitting in the midst of our 5th day of over 35 deg. C (100 deg. F) and this makes me feel so frigid. Glad I am not a cow. Love the red tags on the ears stand out. I really like this one, Susan.


Best wishes from the heat of Melbourne.


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Good Da' Lynne, I don't mind the cold but I melt when the temps get over 90, I'll take a good blizzard any day. The weather has warmed up and we're calving so my time spent on PN is going to be limited for a couple months, thanks for the visit.
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What a facinating image and intrepid. I have not visited your work for a while, shame on me! Nice to know you are still following your bliss. I want to be like you when I grow up. Take care and thanks for the inspiration.
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Hello Duane, it's been a while since I posted anything new, I just can't bring myself to delete my PN site. Lately I've been doing a lot of HDR work and one of these days I'll start posting again.
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