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Not sure if I have ever offerd a critique to you, here goes. Clone out the micheline(sp?) man/lady in the back left corner and you have a perfect shot! It gets in the way of the red white thing going on with the lights . Good Shot Ken!


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Mmmmm you are 100% correct Grasshoppa' - I agree and complied with your suggestions which are always 100% welcome ...... And I have a tendency to withhold the best for last - so stay tuned - (-;


Thank you *J* - sometimes we get so close to our own work we easily overlook things - thanks for the elbow in the ribs - much appreciated ... !

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Thank you Brad - one thing I like about it is it's in-camera and not a PS trick .... and alot of fun - nice to see you old friend !
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High cowboy, you did inspire me, I want to try this, and I am just a little bit (okay a lot) jealous, seeing all those beautifull places you have been...


Els ;D



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Cynthia - very nice to see you - as I mentioned I have several taken while waiting for BART that are better than this one - stay tuned - I'd like your opinion ... (-;


Teresa! - big smile - glad to hear you are trying it too - with your skills it should be very interesting - Gracias' Senorita ...


Els my old friend - you have a special relationship with the camera - go for it ... as far as traveling, I spent several hard years never leaving the city limits - the pendulum swings both ways - good and bad - as you certainly know - sol ...


Mr. Koot old friend I certainly miss you - thanks for stopping by - jaaaa (-;

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Pretty cool composition. There is certainly no one who does it like you do. And there is no one quite like you (thank goodness) *insert rimshot*


I dig the colors here along with the horizontal and vertical lines. It is pretty amazing that you did this in camera.

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It was alot of fun Dennis - I stationed myself at the top and 'zoomed' many people coming up - all wondering *wtf* I was doing - heh .... Entertaining oneself whilst waiting for BART in Oakland ... I actually shot this girl 3x in succession - this being the last of the 3 shots.


*and yes - even I thank goodness there is only one of me - I'd hate to get behind myself in line at the bank - gawdddd hurry up Dude! - (-; ...

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I see she's smiling, so she must have already figured out that you were crazy! :) Only you would have the guts to park it right there and mess with people as they reached the top! :) good for you! :) Janis' edit idea was good...she caught the little bit you missed...are you slippin', Cowboy? Good thing we're all here to keep you in line!
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Spencer - Uhhhhhh - no tripod - I shoot from the hip Cowboy - (-; ..


Captain you are sooooooo right - damnit! - yes she saw thru me like a screen door - and yes, I figured out a way to mess with people without them knowing I'm messing with them - and without them knowing they are the subject of my camera - just sayin' - sol ...


Yes a good thing indeed - glm ...

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Quite a stupendous accomplishment, Ken. One of your very best. I've tried these pictures ad nauseum, and they ain't easy. The smiling woman is the icing on the cake, of course.
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Nice effect, Zoom Master! Exactly how did you plan your route? It seems that you are driving in a zigzag motion all across America. Great shot from your hip. :)
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Really cool effect, Ken. It has a "coming in from the light" feel to it; in opposition to "go toward the light" . . . I like it :-)
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Hello kay - what plan? - what route? - (-; - yes I'm a bit all over the place - stay tuned .. !


Hi Kim - your visits mean alot - thanks for czeching in - (-; ..


Jack I appreciate your perspective very much - thank you Sir ...


Mr. Nicholssss - I've developed a 'technique' for not letting people know I've photographed them - so no, I kept it a secret - (-;

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