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Denver Broncos Last Play of Last Game at Mile High Stadium

bobby douglas

This is 5 shots stitched together, The bottom view is a blown up area of the photo to show the detail that the whole panorama has.

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Bobby... i love the panoramic of the stadium. There is something about night games that makes things even more interesting. You have certainly captured an awesome moment with this photograph(s).
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This is really the last play of the last foot ball game at Mile Hi.

The on sides kick was unsuccessful and the Broncos nealed down on the

ball until the clock ran out. I was taking a panoramic shot of the

stadium and waiting for just the right pose of the players on the

field, 1 second exposure so I actually captured them starting the play

and about 100 other peoples flashes going off who were capturing this

moment in Bronco histor

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Nice stuff Bobby.


Despite the amature nautre of the shots, I think you are on to something with the style of esposure used. I guess we have all at some time or other tried these shots but I feel that yours are much better than wnything I have tried in this area. I guess the equipment does have a huge impact of what we can achieve here.


I am off to see more of your work such is my appreciation.


I see your style in these shots as something well worthwhile developiing further.


Mike Sea

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Hey bobby,


i have rated this already, - I don't know why it has come up again.


I have to rate it otherwoise the syetm crashes when I hit the skip photo button


Mike Sea

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I am assuming the close up crop is so that we can see the detail in this picture. Very nice, I think that if you cropped the panorama on the right side just to the right of the yellow posts and the grandstand, this panorama would be a welcome addition to any NFL team owners wall, it conveys a sense of the excitement of the game and the seriousness of the meeting! :)
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The South stand's of Mile High stadium, That's where the hard core fans sit, you know the drunk ones that like to beat up fans of any other team occasionally even there own. If your doctor says that you need more exercise just come to Denver and sit in the south stands with a Raider's shirt on you'll get yours. Nope the south Stands Stay, Other wise I might get my ass kicked.
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URL for the other shot?


(following questions may be answered by the other shot)

Seriously? Do you use a fisheye lens, or do you first warp the photos to a spherical projection, and just translate and rotate the results on top?


I think that I see different perspective projections in parts of the above image, which would seem to indicate that you matched up ordinary un-warped images. In which case I'm very impressed by how smooth the transitions between images are.


(My software was supposed to automatically handle this, but, as you see in the Gesling Stadium shot, there were some bugs with the image blending)


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I use the "text above is" pull-down menu and set it to "HTML"Then I type something like

<a href="your link">your link</a>

Here's an example


(I had attempted to detect artifacts of your mosaicing technique in this mile-high shot. They are very hard to detect. I think I see a line on the left of the image where two images were pasted toghether, and I think the sign on the right has a different vanishing point from the lines on the field, but that could also stem from the sign being tilted towards the viewer)

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Thank you, btw, for the URL.


The results of the 10-photo mosaic are spectacularly smooth, given the technique you used.

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The Line you see is the poll behind the upright that hold's the net to catch the foot ball after an extra point, Vanishing point... well the line on the field is about 50 feet below the one on the score bored I guess they meet some where. Check out some of my 360's and try to figure out how many vanishing point's they have.





About the "text above is" pull down menu is there somthing like it in MS Internet Explorer

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About the "text above is" menu, is there something like that in Internet Explorer?



Should be. I use internet explorer.

The menu should be on the web page itself, and not part of explorer.


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Check out some of my 360's and try to figure out how many vanishing point's they have.

Theoretically, if you did a 360 of a bunch of parrallel lines, you'd have as many distinct vanishing points as photographs.

In practice, I can't visually distinguish your 360 shots from actual cylindrical projections. EDIT:Upon further reading, I realize that your 360 shots use custom lenses. I was mostly interested in the fact that you seem to be able to produce good quality image mosaics with standard lenses and no custom software

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The Line you see is the poll behind the upright that hold's the net to catch the foot ball after an extra point

Oops! Yeah, it looked like it was at about the place where the perspective seemed to change.

Having seen the example from the other stadium shot, its now clear to me why I don't see strong image-overlap lines in your mosaics. Perhaps if I ever ressurect my mosaicing code, I will consider integrating a "cut images along jagged edges before merging" technique to better hide the overlap lines.

Pardon me if I seemed critical, I was mostly curious about the technical details of your mosaicing method, and trying to figure out what, if any, artifacts it introduced. I am now going to start trying this with my own images.

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