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Happy End ? or... Art and Being


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It is the last image in the "Forbidden Apple" series


I will finish it with my statement in my series of paintings, called " THE CYCLE OF LIFE"



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The "Cycle of life" series . I would like to know if you see a resemblance between the two series, painting and photographic.




( also uploaded the original take of this photo )


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I like this. The stillness, the sense of connection--it captures the wordless communication that lovers in their best times share. I like the apples surrounding her head, reflecting into the floor. I see it as symbolizing her thoughts, of knowledge and knowing suddenly spilling out.
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The apples has been bitten, the knowledge released and so begins the wonderment and the folly. I see this more as a beginning than an end.


On a technical note I would be curious to know your reasons for the inclusion of the empty space on the right side of the frame.


Congratulations on a terrific series.

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Jeff, you wrote that you are not poetic.... but you are very close here... ;-))


Gord, "Happy end " ? has a question mark, as every end( of series, and bible story)is another begining( or other chapters...). If you read what I have uploaded : "The cycle of life" series, and part of what I wrote, "Art and Being", (was printed in a magazine in the USA)

you will understand my intention. you are right about folly and wonderment, but also : stupidity and wisdom, sorrow and happiness, sickness and health, sadness and joy , ends and beginings, all are parts of human life, AND life go's on !


My technical decision was a hard one , compositionwise I liked the empty space on the R. like signifying a "space" of continuation( also the goldem 1/3), but I have as well a square one. I will upload it for you and others to see.


Thanks both of you, Jeff and Gord! I see a strong connection in my line of thought,( and my creation in general) about human life , in my painting series and this one in photography.


Funny !! It was not intentional, but I have found out that this series and the" Cycle of life" each has 11 painting/photographs...

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Thanks, I had already read your link and not only do I agree with what you have stated you have stated it with much grace and wisdom.
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Thanks for uploading the square version. Although I tend to drift away from the golden rule myself in this case I do like the original. I was curious about your reason for the space and now understand it, as room to grow and carrying forward. I like that explanation and I thank you for it.
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I particularly like the tones here, & the way they communicate silently, the apples seem to be the link between them.
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Thanks for both, reading and approving, and likeing my decision not to upload the squre format. I'm glad about the CD's, will answer you tomorrow.



Cherlyn, thanks for your following and commenting your impressions.

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Two beings, following the series, we know one is male and other female but their gesture also suggest to me a ying/yang of emotion.


One is lying listless gazing upward with empty eyes and the hand, lying there not open, not closed, almost no purpose.


The other, gazing intently at the fruit, caressing it with hand and fingertip and wondering why they are sliding down, off the edge, yet do not care.


Very thoughtful and well orchestrated series Pnina.


I've got to ask, are those paintings yours? I read the magazine article and you referenced several painters but when I opened the images, I did not see any credit given to the painter, yourself or other.



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I have a full credit in the magazin and a short CV, I aploaded only what I wrote and the paintings, but the front cover in that volume is mine as well( I have another front cover in that magazin) .It is called: uterus scheme ( the first after the writing).It was exhibited in a gallery ,and showed on TV.The series is what you see, it is 11 paintings of mine, oil on wooden board,( some with grounded marble paste( the flowers wreath) big sizes.


Thanks for asking and your interest and impression.

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I think this is my favorite in the series. It's touched by wonder and hope and tenderness and uncertainty. And it's finely made with lovely tones. Regards, Joe
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Pnina, beautiful capture. I like the composition,light & tone. Realization of a dream and beginning of another dream.
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Pnina, very expressive composition. I'm not sure that I don't prefer the original in color. As with all these dance images, the reflections are very attractive.
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I think I'm halfway with Roger. I like this in black and white, especially with the tone you've given it. But I think some things got lost in the conversion to b/w, especially some of the life and light that's in the original. I think it needs to be in b/w to work as the finale of the series. I can understand that you wanted to dampen the light some and make this more pensive and, to me, more down and questioning than the more uplifting feeling of the color version. But I think you lost some important punctuation in your translation to black and white, particularly the emphasis of his hand around her waist, which was highlighted nicely in the original and brought out an important subtle aspect of their togetherness which gets a bit lost here. I also think my attention is much more drawn to their eyes, which I appreciate, in the original than it is here.


I do think it's a befitting end to the series and I especially like the way their heads and faces line up. I do think the way his mouth is blocked by the line of her head is a bit of a problem visually for me. That area of the photo doesn't seem clean to me. I love the way her hands hold the apple and I love the engaged and warm look on her face. What I can tell about his expression I also like, his gaze is as if off into space. While they are connected by their bodies and their laying there, they are disconnected in emotion.


As I've mentioned before, your opening statement suggests the struggle aspect of life and I see in these photographs and in life in general more than just the struggle. Through relationship, and I think this series shows it, there is an added and positive dynamic to life, which is greater than just our own personal struggle with existence. I feel you've ended on more of a down note than a question mark, especially when I see how you've chosen to handle the original.

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Fantastic ending Pnina. I like how he holds her with his hand clutching her under her back. Both seem to be in trance trying to understand the repercusion of their actions. The fall is shared equally and from now on they will rely on each other.
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Thanks for your extensive evaluation. I was aware while converting it to B/W, and giving it the tone I wanted, that especially his hand under her back is a bit less pronounced, (thats why I uploaded the colored version) but what I wanted to emphasis is two aspects of the series: the pensive feeling of what the furure holds for them, or in more general terms , for humanity.

and second, the obscurity of the unknown, the uncertainity, difficulties, struggles, joys etc. The lighted version of the original IMO shows it less.


"your opening statement suggests the struggle aspect of life and I see in these photographs and in life in general more than just the struggle. Through relationship, and I think this series shows it"


For me the end of this series is this:




I think my work in general sums it up in this one ,"Life go's on".....

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Paula, it is without words, but the meanings of the series is the "words"...


Joe, thanks for your writing your feeling, very interesting


Amal,dreams sometimes come through and sometime not.....


Roger, thats why I have uploaded the original, but I think for me the B/W is more compatible to end the series.



David O. and Antanas, Thanks


Adan, Yes you are right, that is their destiny, to rely on each other, not only as woman/man relationship, but as human being in general, and in parity.

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Pnina, I am delighted to view your "ALMA" series

and I like the ESSENCE from that.

I know some people are artistic to some degree

but I could not imagine you pull these wonder

ful story paintings from that story about the

"apple", the "tree of knowledge" and those

other versions that gifted people wrote.

No wonder peace is out of reach due to

human intellegence. We interpret ... in a

humongous ways.


The "Cycle Of Life" that version was his/her alone,

but others got theirs too. It is unique by itself

like that called "individuality". That was

the difference of all things especially human



Lastly, the "alma" series you did made a difference

to some of us,uniquely, and these series are open to

those who read while it last and that will influence

their thinking,whether to create a ripple or a wave

in their cycle of life. Pnina, as what I've seen yours are



Thanks for sharing.

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Sally, thanks for your visit and comments.

The name of this series is " The forbidden apple", (" Alma ", apple in Turkis, was the choreograoher's name for the dance which has not any connection to the bible story, and not the connotation/addition that I gave to the series.)

Thanks for refering to the two series of my work.


Alberto, thanks as well for your comment..

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