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Remembrance of autumn II.


Canon 40D+ Canon 24-105 L IS

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It's nice. I don't like the tight framing and it's oversharpened for my taste (as others have pointed out, the subject is soft and the edges are too sharp), but an interesting image.

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I don't think the sharpening/oversharpening comments are fair, seeing as we are all viewing these images on various types of monitors, calibrated to various settings, both in color temperature, sharpness and overall quality. I know when I scan negs and make "prints" for online, they always need significant sharpening to get the likeness of an optical print with a good enlarger lens. If we were all in the same, actual gallery looking at a real print, then the final details of print quality could be debated. But for me, images on the net are really just an index of sorts to actual work - they are pictures of the pictures. If no actual print exists, then I would have to question why a photographer would shoot through a process doing the best they can technically, only to settle for the mediocrity of internet presentation.
That said, this image is well executed technically (I'm not a studio photographer but took enough classes to know how hard it is to do.) However, this image doesn't conjure thoughts of Fall for me. This image simply invites me to study a form I would usually look past, and to take joy in seeing the intricate cracks in the surface and the delicate balance it maintains on the glassy surface. However, for me, the cool, metallic environment surrounding the leaf causes a conflict for me - one one hand, the reflection is reminiscent of water, a natural element, but the reflection seems too perfect and clean to be natural, and so it feels like a object out of place. The surrounding space seems a backdrop suited to an advertisment of a PC or something. That's not a slight, but I'm just saying it is an interesting choice to present such a natural object against such an unnatural backdrop. Perhaps the photographer intends the background to be as minimal as possible, so that the leaf can be studied without distraction - this sort of works for me, but as a whole I feel the image lacks visual unity. Maybe I am asking too much of what is probably a visual study - in this it succeeds.

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Nice work, but in order to make this an unforgettable image you need the following; More dynamic angled lighting; a new leaf, one with more color and/or less decay on it, and possibly even a less distracting shape; and put the leaf on water, even if through a photoshop'd image.

This is a good example of how technically excellent work can still result in a sterile image of little note. I don't dislike this image, in fact I found it mildly interesting, but due to the lack of the above mentioned ingredients, I will soon forget it.

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It's so strange. mine and his idea are same.
This picture is like Mine photos, (Leaf section). I invite all of you to see my Leaf section.
Tks - Bahar Forghanifar

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Extremely well executed, but soulless. A registration, something I will forget fast.
< Again matter of taste. Execution is in my eyes almost (the lighting, focus, sharpening, etc).

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I've stared at this photo for a long time and can't seem to reconcile the shadow with the leaf. Is it perhaps a manufactured reflection in Photoshop or similar? It seems that if the base of the leaf were as wide as it is, not so much of the top part (and certainly not where the bottom of the leaf folds) would be apparent in the reflection. Just wondering. . .

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A fascinating and confusing stunt It seems to have elements of a 90 degree reflection as trees in a river, where the reflection is a repeat of the front surface, and a 180 degree reflection where the leaf lies on a mirror surface to reflect the underside. Sure has me guessing, although I'm not struck as an artistic or reportage photographic image.

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Nice photo, my first blitz-thought was: a butterfly, a stingray or a manta. Amusing that this simple object renders so much comment, also amusing is the idea that to get the "striking simpleness" in a picture like this is so difficult!. Well done. Like already commented, a little more space top and bottom would be nice. Maybe a nice frame and passepartout would help. What colour should this frame have? I once used an aluminumish one with autumn leaves and it was very appealing (thought I, and others). Further it think it's to bad that there are wormholes in the leaf. What do you think - should they have been cloned away - (oof, I dare, don't I)

Gerard Visser - Holland

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From a cursory reading of some of the responses, I would suggest some time in a real studio doing still life work. Why the assumption that something is always modified in photoshop? Basically, a very nice simple image(a leaf on plexiglass... which causes the reflection) and the well balanced lighting that allows the edge of the plexi to blend into the background. I would suggest to the photographer to do a series of leaves in the same fashion.

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A very eye catching image and even at first glance it transcends a simple "leaf reflection".
While I have no authority to explain the OP's intent, I immediately noted his use of the word "Remembrance" and equated this image to what I assume would be a leaf floating on a still pond; but beyond that and with very little creative thought, I see a felucca sailing the River Nile, a Polynesian outrigger, or a reed boat typical with Kon Tiki. All together an intriguing shot that was produced without the, seemingly, over use of PS.... Well done... Mike

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This is a very nicely planned and carried out table top photograph. The square format and the 2/3rd division of the leaf tips to the horizontal side add tension to the composition. Because of the reflection I think it makes sense to place the picture vertically centered, which enforces symmetry. The low saturation helps the fallen leaf to show autumn.... Nice picture!
If you are interested, I have posted a leaf collction gallery a week ago from the seychelles:

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The reflection is nice and the image definietly catches the eye. But the whole background is too cold and 'modern' for the subject so it becomes uncomfortable to look at. The dark edge of the leaf looks defective, similar to the oversharpening effect in PS.

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I also agree with those who didn't think this need more color. These are the colors of the leaf and the subtle colors of the reflecting plexiglass. If anything, I might feel it's a bit staged, but I'm not looking for vivid colors here which would make it feel even more, not less, artificial.

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If a photographer is happy with his work it does'nt matter what anyone else says. If he's not happy with it he should'nt
submit it until he has gained the confidence to be proud of his work.

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Even when I'm happy with my work, I appreciate hearing what others say and it does matter to me. I learn from hearing others' reactions and interpretations, which isn't to say I gear my work toward their reactions by any means.

I find the expressive and communicative aspects of photography significant and I don't dismiss what others say about my work or anyone's work. It's part of the life of a photograph.

And then, there's the critique section of PN where, even photographer's "happy" with a photograph may still get something out of a criticism, something they just hadn't seen for themselves. As a matter of fact, I see that happen on this forum occasionally.

I don't put much stock in adages like, "it only matters what you think," though I subscribe to developing an individual voice, honing one's taste, being thick-skinned, and the positive aspects of confidence as well as the potential negative aspects of over-confidence.

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For me this photo is the definition of nice. Nice light, nice composition, nice subject, nice idea, nice point of view, nice colours. Just my opinion. Congratulations.

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