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© Copyright Chris Brown, Brown Photographic

5 am shoot, 1

Ilford HP5, 400Plus EV15, Hasselblad 500cm, 80mm T* C, Contrast increased slightly in Photoshop CS3


© Copyright Chris Brown, Brown Photographic

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This is a good concept with a decent exposure. My advise would mainly concern your choice of framing. The lower left portion of the frame doesn't add anything to the image, and distracts attention from the main subject. I've taken countless "concept" shots. This is a great concept shot. I would recommend that you reshoot and change different aspects of the shot until you have THE shot. I find the process very rewarding.




PS don't forget to post your results !

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Paul's comments about the issue with the lower left portion of the image are very perceptive as I found that this brighter area of the foreground stopped my eye from travelling further down the road in the way that you must have intended with the great perspective that you achieved with this pov.


I enjoyed looking at the image very much and loved your sense of adventure and experimentation.

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Paul, Ed, Ian,


Thank you all for the comments. I see what you mean about the lighter portion taking away from the eye's desire to travel onward. I can only re-crop and re-post, as I won't be in New Orleans for a long time. I really appreciate the feedback.



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You could crop it as a landscape, hence eliminating the foreground using any software. You could use photoshop elements ($89) to darken the foreground, or try a host of other cool effects.


Lastly, the value of this image is in its impact, not the location. The mood was created by shooting a downtown at 5am. I'm betting you could find some very interesting 5am subjects in your home town.(So set the alarm for 4 !!)


Bottom line, you have a nice concept - so follow your vision and work on the image. Its more work than "point and shoot", but You will learn so much by doing so, and be better suited to create a night sceen next time.


So get going !!!!

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