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© David Israel

Final Version Poinsetter

david israel

Macro 100MM


© David Israel

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Final Version... I have beenplaying around in photoshop cleaning up

the distracting white dots at the bottom..


What o you think??


Please Critique!!!





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I really like the colors, and the composition is right on. I wonder about the sharpness of the leaf veins -- they seem slightly soft to me, or that might just be the natural texture of the leaf.
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I agree with Stephen's comment re potential softness in the image. I have not seen the previous versions but you are heading in the right direction.
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i get the feeling that the leaf did not get sharp and that you wanted the leaf to be sharp along with the water on the leaves.


I also see two specular light sources which feels studio lighting and not natural. If shot indoors you might try an excessively large diffuser excessively close to the leaf with one light source flooding most of the diffuser. You would not have to flood the whole diffuser with light, you could let some of that light fall off to darkness. But this would do several things for you. First the drops are round, and you can't light them really, they are going to reflect back what the round high polished surface of the drop sees. So buy lighting a large diffuser with the light you want to see on the drop reflected back to the camera you can shape the feel and look of that drop of water. If you look close at a smooth Christmas glass bulb you see yourself and the room around you, not the light that falls on the bulb, the drops are the same. Experiment with the light reflecting off of the water by lighting the surrounding environment, this is why the diffuser is excessively close. The other thing it does for you is to get rid of those spots i think you were tying to get rid of.


Another thing is there does not seem to be enough uniformity of the drop size and enough of them. In nature they would all be subject to the same physics so they would have similar shape and common sizes. Some of the problems with working with water is it evaporates quicker then you would think, so that by the time you spread it around you should had taken the shot already. you might experiment with a misting spritzer and if you still have a problem with evaporation you could try to ad some glycerin to the water to reduce the evaporation rate.

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