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© copyright 2007 Dan Bliss

mind the gap



© copyright 2007 Dan Bliss

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Lovely shot. Great compositionally and very beautiful light. Saturation is slightly higher to my taste, but otherwise awesome shot.
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Tomaso and Lalit, thank you for your kind comments. Lalit, I appreciate your comment, and I did try a version in which I turned down the saturation, but it just didn't feel right. I played with a black and white version too. Anyway, I ended up with this one. There something about the morning color at the grand canyon with the amazing yellows and purples. In any case, thank you very much for your comments. Dan
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I think you have done a fantastic job with the color saturation here. Yes, it may be slightly oversaturated, but I think that that is an artist's prerogative -- to be able to do whatever they like with a particular piece of artwork.


I think there is often a great misunderstanding when it comes to the difference between poor artwork and the choices that an artist makes to present a particular piece a certain way. They miss the prerogative aspect of such artistry, in other words.


True, there are often times in which there is a fine line between such use of prerogative and bad artwork, but more often than not I find reviewers giving poor marks not because the photo strictly represents "bad photography" but rather because of the artistic choices made by the photographer. Such reviewers will begin by saying "... I would have done such and such...", noting their own particular artistic perspective, and then they end up giving lower ratings just because their own artistic viewpoint doesn't match with that of the photographer's.


This takes place with landscape photography perhaps more than any other photographic presentation medium. There are so many times in which extraordinarily beautiful portrait photography will be presented on this website -- photos which have been considerably saturated or desaturated (and otherwise altered in Photoshop), for example -- and yet they will get 7/7 marks. But try to replicate this with a landscape photo and you are apt to receive a lot of mediocre or negative ratings.


Sorry to go on for so long about all of this, but it happens so often and has been taking place for so long, that finally I thought I would take the time to make a quick comment... which ended up being not so quick. =)


Anyways, congratulation on this outstanding photo!

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Raymond, thank you very much for your kind comments. I appreciate them.


Kevin, thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments. I think you are right that landscape rating tends to be conservative. I don't think of my photos as being particularly bizarre, but I do try to explore a bit. Oh well, it is all for fun, right? In any case, thank you so much for your comments.



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Hello Dan. An image with a great composition and well balanced colours. The tree gives originality to the scene. That yellow sky is very interesting also. By the way, is that snow? Thank you.

Regards. Eugenio.

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Eugenio, thank you for your kind comments. Yes, it is snow. It was a little strange because there was just snow on the rim. As you go down into the canyon it gets warmer. You can see small patches of snow off to the right, but the snow has melted everywhere else. The elevation on the south rim of the Grand Canyon is about 7000 feet (~ 2100m) above see level, but it's only about 2000 feet (~600m) at the bottom, so it drops pretty quickly. Consequently, it gets warmer in a short distance. Dan
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Thank you for your answer, Dan. Very interesting what you explain about the temperature and altitude. That canyon is a superlative work of nature art. Regards.Eugenio.
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Angelo and Henrik, thank very much for your kind comments.


Eugenio, the whole area around southern Utah and Northern Arizona is just amazing.


Thank you again, Dan

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A beautiful image indeed. Wish I was there. I love the colors. My personal artistic choice might have been to slightly de-saturate the blue on the right side canyon - that's just me. 6/6 Your choice is more important.
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Hi, Dan! Sorry I haven't been around much...working too much these days to really spend the time I want. Oh well. Glad I stopped tonight...love your composition here. The tree in the foreground and the bit of snow add so much interest and scale as well. Love the variety of color seen here, too. My only concern is that it looks a bit oversharpened. What tool did you use?



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Hey Leslie, thank you for your comments. I used unsharp mask. I might have over-sharpened it. When I reduce the size of images, I often resharpen the smaller version because the downsizing softens them. I was going for a slightly unreal feeling, because that is how the Grand Canyon feels to me. Maybe I over did it. Thank you again for the comment. Dan
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