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Sculptures of nature 4


Stitched panorama

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Fine Art

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Once again, quite a distribution...love, hate and a few in between.

One of the strangest I've seen so far.


Bernhardt, I tried now, it looks like a bit contrast helps on the foreground and both edges. I was concerned about detail in the highlights, but it will work.

Thanks for suggestion.

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The composition is wonderful. The tones are a bit on the light side; if that's what you were aiming for, great. I'm not sure if boosting contrast would help or hurt. I certainly wouldn't do it to the whole image - the bright fade to the distance should definitely be left as is, in my opinion.


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Mehmet, I really like this vantage point. The light coming from around the corner of the canyon is dramatic. I also feel some contrast would help. Some high pass sharpening might also punch it up a bit. The foreground may be a little untidy, but you were there and I was not. Perhaps this is the hand you were dealt. All in all, this is an awesome viewpoint and I am only pointing out minor observations. An amazing photo!!
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Thanks Mark. I'll clean the foreground a bit more. In the improved version, I already increased the contrast selectively per suggestions above.


Although the view was impressive, it surely wasn't the most impressive view I saw during this hike. Yet, it takes a lot to translate the experience of being there into above average print. This is one of the difficult ones. Not because it is stitched from 7 shots, but I was not careful in my exposures. It made my stitching job an order of more difficult. how I wish to go back in time and do it all over again. In fact this goes to other set of images captured during this hike. Admittedly, I was not thinking clearly that day.


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