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"Three Winter Trees"

susan stone

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It was a foggy day and I love how it "softened" the background yet

the three trees are so stark. Thanks for the visit friends.

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Beautiful image. I agree...I love the soft focus..especially in the background. Great job with the DOF. Perfect tones. Really nicely done!


Did you use a special lens or filter for this??



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No special lenses or filters here Jodie, I usually shoot with a Canon 20D and most of the time I use a tripod but I was missing a lot of shots that I thought would be of interest while I'm out running around being a cowhand so I bought a little P&S camera to carry in my pocket. So this was handheld and the day was very foggy so it rendered the soft background and the slightly blurry trees. I like the effect, it's sorta like a charcoal drawing I think. The starkness of the "winter trees" was the appeal for me. I don't do a lot of editing on my imagery, I use Photoshop Elements 5 and that meets most of my needs.
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Very nice Susan !! The fog has given this image a great effect. Nicely done.!

I think I should get a little P&S camera, for those moments that you just don't have time to pull out the SLR and tripod. Kindest Regards Andrea

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Well done there, Cowgirl! What I like is the high-key effect except for the trees. Really terrific tones and contrasts on the trunks and branches. Very cool (no pun intended) wintery photograph. Nice work! Cheers! Chris
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Winter has been stingy to us thus far so I appreciate you sending a picture! Yes, it very much resembles a charcoal drawing. The framing is absolutely perfect.
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I started out with a P&S Andrea but after I got my 20D I gave the P&S to one of my daughters, but now I'm glad to have another one for shots just like this.


Joseph: What a nice comment!


I think this image Stephen falls in my KISS (Keep It Simple Susan) category!


It's funny Chris that I never used to like winter photography 'cause I never got the snow exposures right, now I love shooting all that barren landscape and my good camera does all the hard work of getting the exposure right and I can see instant results on the histogram. I'm a Cormac McCarthy fan too.


I cheated Tim, this is "part" of a larger picture, I just loved the stark simplicity of the 3 trees. You're doing some nice work with your new camera.


Pierre, I though you'd disappeared from the pages of PN, glad you stopped by for a peek.


Yes Sriram, these are leafless Cottonwoods, one of the few species of trees in this area. Glad you stopped by.


I'm glad you appreciate the beauty of this image Lennart, thanks for the visit.

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Thanks Teresa, you slipped in while I was responding to the previous comments, I'm glad you like my trees, I'm waiting for the next snow storm so I can capture them again.
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Not only did you leave their heads on, you left all their limbs on too. How nice that the fog gave you some natural DOF with your p&s camera. Very nice image!


I have not been motivated to shoot for the last two weeks. Cold and wet in Seattle is only motivational for snuggling up with the cat and a good book.

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Im speechless, this is so beautiful! So good DOF and lightning and color world and composition and all! Charming work, thanks for sharing!

Best regards -E :D

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Thanks Emilia, I've always wanted to be an artist and if I could draw this photo is how it would look, I'm glad I have a camera.
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Come on spring? Ah.... Shawn, this winter thing is jeez begining...Susan I know I am about to be reemed by everybody...but have you thought about Sepia? Warming this winter scene up might help Shawn's spring come a little early... I have to agree with everyone else... you have painted this like the true artist that you are...composition and lighting is just what we see here in Montana...I like it just the way it is...but that never seems to stop me from playing....Nice one! Juan

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Gracias Juanito, I like your Sepia version but I'm still stuck on the drama of the stark B&W. My Sis said it reminds her of the Three Muses; Melete, or Practice; Mneme, or Memory: and Aeode, or Song. I love that interpretation and what a perfect title, "The Three Muses"!


Greetings and thank you Cherlyn, I've printed this up in a small format approximately 8.25 by 8.25 and would gladly send you a print if you'd email an address.


Hola Ricard, thanks for the nice comment, trees always offer us their graphic profile and great textures.

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Almost lucky #7...


A little saw work and you'd have 'er fixed right up... (just a jokin')

Have a Merry Christmas, Susan and a Happy New Year! Nice photo btw! ~Sky

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