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Autumn at Cucumber Falls, Ohiopyle, PA


Exposure was about 1 second at f22. Lee hard 0.9 NGD. Gitzo 1325/Acratech ball head. Levels adjusted in Ektaspace using Photoshop CS2.

Copyright 2007 WJTatulinski, Yarmouth Lane Photography, All Rights Reserved

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I had to chuckle when I saw the 6/3 rating. Kinda the ying and yang of ratings. Now if you would have cut and paste say a eye ball in a triangle, Greek pillar or for real originality the moon in your posting it would have received a much higher rating.

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Yeah, I'm laughing about that one too. How about this for a Top Photo...can't say how aesthetically pleasing it might be but it's got to win in originality.


Actually, Jim, the 3/4 is rather interesting, too. That "pea-brain" can't possibly be aware of the difficulty of shooting straight-up into those sunny trees and sky while maintaining perfect detail in all the shadows down below. A real Einstein, that one! Regards.

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Now you're just showing off the power of the 6x7 format over 4x5. I never could have captured such a fast moving fellow with 4x5. Maybe YOU could have. Didn't you capture a hummingbird on 4x5?


Great photo btw. The foreground rocks add personality, as does the swooping branch. I don't know how you get this much shadow detail with Velvia 50.

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Yeah, well, sometimes I just lose my cool with some of these people. Many thanks Dave for the visit. I got the shadows under control by using a 3 stop grad on the upper half. But even with that the sky started to blow out. Regards.
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As it was already mentioned it is a remarkable picture. The water fall looks so delicate that it's hard to believe that it's real.

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This is a superior image. The shadow/highlight details are superb, detail is great, and the composition and colors are wonderful.
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Thanks Ken, but are you referring to the one with the squirrel or the original ;0) Regards.
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Exceptional skill in exposing the details under the cliff and the shadows of the backlit leaves of the trees on top of the cliff. Beautiful serene feeling and I like the way the curve of the cliff cradles the viewer into the scene. I do like the way it is centered and is almost like a fisheye lens was used. Very nice landscape.



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Yes, I can see that it's not an easy shoot from this angle, and maintaining the fine details , correct exposure & colours as in here. Fine job indeed, Walter.
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You did an excellent job with the natural lighting that was available. I remember learning about a neutral density filter (not sure that's the name) where you can darken one half of the picture (like the bright sky, in this case) and the other half is clear. I had forgotten about that filter. I'll have to buy one now.
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Thanks Loretta! I use the Lee brand of neutral density gradient filters, but there are others. Hitech, Cokin, and Singh-Ray are three others that I know of. They all work about the same as far as quality of filter, but I like the Lee system very much. Thanks for stopping by. Regards
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