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... Da Vinci is properbly rolling in his grave right now!.

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We're told images like this are the way of the future so, if we're supposed to learn something here, could Lasse enlighten us about the computer techniques he used to achieve his final result, e.g. which filters, blend modes, coloring techniques, layer effects etc. Also, which parts are photographs from his Nikon camera and which parts are added post-exposure software. There is obviously more than a Nikon F3 with a 50mm lens in use here. How about filling us in, please, Lasse?
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"Aesthetically, why is everything cloudy and murky? I don't get that. If you're trying to suggest the industrial revolution, why not do it more directly? Why obscure the human form?" -Touchel Berne.

Why do it more directly, Touchel ? Is a photographic motion blur or a defocussed shot a bad thing as well...?

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I would also like, if possible to hear a few details from Lasse, about the execution of this. As far as I can tell, though, it seems that Lasse used mostly, for the background several layers of clouds. I do not think that's wrong, and to me, it relates both to industrial smoke, and gives an aetheral feel to the image. Images like this are not meant to show details of this or that. They are supposed to do what's right for the mood of the shot and to fit the concept. Confusion and disorder are imo part of this concept. Regards.
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After taking some time to view Lasse's portfolio, and paying a visit to

lassiehoile.com I must say I am impressed. This is a very talented and

creative person.


While "ReMake" is not my favorite of Lasse's work I do like it very much. The fact that some people find deep meaning in this image while others find

no meaning at all is something that can be said of just about any image.

There is no right or wrong in that regard.


Usually by mid week I've grown tired of the POW (that speaks more of my attention span than the images). But here it is Friday morning and this image has kept my interest. I would gladly hang it on my wall.


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CHRIST!!!...I can't even leave home for one week and then this happens!!!


Let me first thank everyone for the comments, good or bad, and the guy's choosing this for POW, I am honoured!


I don't want to "defend" my picture, I just want to say thanks again for all the constructive critique, and I think its great that this little picture has generated some debate!


I must read all the comments :=)


Best to all of you,




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as has been intimated before, what destroys this picture for me is the obvious allusion to daVinci, but missing the point of davinci. The idea of the picture is that the lower set of arms should be perfectly horizontal, as a demonstration than armspan is equal to height.


it's a gripping picture, but it is distracting because it misses the point of the configuration.

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I just have to say something here. First a crit.

I love the contradiction of the woman floating in space and yet bolted down inside a gear ring. The limited color palette keeps it from becoming to busy. The highlight in the middle makes it look like it is under glass, like wristwatch crystal with the light from the right. It is also interesting if you consider that the two superimposed images are subtractive and not additive, a natural trait of photography opposite to painting. I think the face is fine but her hair needs some pizzazz, like medusas curls or something.


Secondly I am always very annoyed when people attribute this image to Da Vinci. Leonardo even called it the Vitruvian Man because he copied it himself from Polio Vitruvius. The treatise De Architectura written by Vitruvius around 23 BCE is my all time favorite book and it rivals much of Da Vincis work (IMO).


To put the original Vitruvian Man into perspective, imagine a time when people used all their body parts as measuring instruments just like we use measuring tapes, theodalites, and laser beams today. Back in a time where artist were establishing all the visual design basics like atmospheric perspective, geometric perspective, and the Golden Segment. The very rules that we now defy in the name of Moderism. I am a believer in the old shool with an appretiation of but little respect for Moderism, and I like this image even though I give it more graphis design credit than photographic.


So if we are going to nit pick about who copied who then lets at least get the facts straight. This is another interesting, original spin-off just like Da Vincis is.


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I have to say that i agree to some of those that say this is not one of the best of Lasses images. But its well done technicaly. And Lasse is one of the few who are trying to exspand the medium not trying to re-invent them self as puritanistic documentist.


On the other hand I am shocked over the response frome some puritanists stating that this is not Photography.


I will answare it with the words of Alving Langdon Coburn from the year 1913:


Why should not the camera artist break a way from the convention of the medium...... and claim the freedom of expression any art must have to stay alive.


of course this is Photography and nothing other than Photography. Computer or darkroom? is ther realy any difference.


Kristjan Logason




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Picture taken is phtography. This image started as Photography image. What was later added does not matter it is still photograph. You dont call images made with many negatives in the enlarger enlarger-art. so Why call images manipulated in computer computer-art. Is Jerry Uelsman enlarger-artist or Photographer. Was Man Rays images any thing else than photography. Is Misha Gordins images any thing other than photography.

I manipulate images I am an artist working with Photography. They start as photographs and they end as photographs what happens in between does not matter as long as they deliver what I want to say.


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Hi Lasse!

You must bee a reel Guy ;-)

No other person can do it like you, born, artists.

Keep on with your beutiful work.

Your friend in Sweden,


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I checked out your website which has further images of this 'series'. Your visual comments on the frailty and also the mechanization of human beings are beautiful and profound. Very nice work.
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This is not a photograph. It is a composite overlay constructed like a graphic artist would create a logo or an advertisement. There is no doubt whether or not it is an attractive piece of art, or that this artist is very talented, but I am dissappointed that this was chosen as a photo of the week because of the extent this image was manipulated. Does this set a precedent for future photos of the week, such that unless significant maniuplation and graphic overlay is used, it is not good enough?


Of course the image creates an emotion and response from the viewer, but why don't we just post still frames from movies, or artist sketches to create the emtional response?


Show me the negative. This image does not look like a photograph. I can't believe that people like this image so much!!! C'mon people, either call this website digitalphoto.net, or start posting real photos!!

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Honestly, guys, Photo.net is for photographers helping photographers. This is definately graphic art, not photographic art. I'm not saying it's wrong to create art like this, I'm just saying that the digital imaging and graphic art is and should remain in a separate realm than traditional photography. This is NOT the future of photography. Or perhaps you want to create a $4.00 disposable camera that my kids can buy from Wal Mart, and this is what that $4.00 camera will create? Photography is about capturing memories of our lives in the realm of reality, not fantasy or surrealism. If you are tired of real photography, go tell that to your wife and children, and your childrens children. Aren't you in effect telling them, "Hey am no longer interested in preserving my memories of you and our lives together on film, so I am throwing away my camera and never taking a photo image of you again." Technological changes will not change our desire to have photography capture the people in our lives in a real and literal fashion. Technological advances may improve the quality of such an image, but they won't look like this artists work.


Great work Lassie, you are worlds away from us earthy "photographers"


May your PC have much ram and your imagination be wild!



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