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... Da Vinci is properbly rolling in his grave right now!.

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First off, the execution is superb. Second, how come no one thought of this sooner? Great, great photograph. And I'm utterly jealous.
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Sincere congratulations, Lasse. This is just superb. Incredibly smart concept, and really executed with the highest degree of precision. I think this your best ever. You made my day. A picture that Photo.net would seriously need to consider as POW, and the best picture I've seen on this site in this category of work. Simply brilliant. You have gone a long way since I saw your very first pieces...:-) Kind regards.
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...and all of you, I am really flattered by the nice comments, what can I say. It was just a fun idea, why not remake a picture just like film and music are being remade all the time :=)
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Beautiful DaVinci image! But again, personally I cannot classify this type of imaging as photography. I'm not gonna low-rate because it's an excellent piece of art, but for me photo-art is more about capturing a special moment in reality, than creating a special moment in cyberspace or whatever. But it's an old discussion... My compliments though, its beautiful! Regards
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..and a discussion that are not easy to end! I can tell you that I really had doubts to put this stuff up here, but after seeing a lot of other manipulations I thought I would give it a go! Everything I do is taken with my old Nikon F3 , but everything is done in the computer, as every picture here has gone through one, when does a picture stop becomming a manipulation?


If I had the funds to this in real life I would do it that way instead, but I can't....right now.



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..I am currently in the process of getting thought, essays est. about the future of analog photography vs. digital for a possible book, so every thoughts or comments about that subject is very welcome :=).

Moderator comment: Feel free to "e-mail" Lasse with your opinions on the subject as opposed to expressing them in endless futile debate on this page. Thank you.

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Remember when music synthesisers started to get good, maybe in the late 80's? People were running about predicting the death of the orchestra.


Well it didn't happen. Musical shows might now use synthetic strings, but there are still things that a virtuoso can do with a violin that can't be done with a keyboard (of either type). I suspect it will be the same for photography: the borders will stretch back towards painting, advertising will make enormous use of it, but there will still be a use for straight photography. Just as there will continue to be real actors in movies rather than animations.


As to whether the photos are captured on film or via ccd... how many records are made with analogue tape now? I can't see that it matters.


Great picture, btw :-)


Cheers, G

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what a fantastic image, I really admire your work. Thank you for sharing it with us and the inspiration it provides..


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Conceptually, its a brilliant piece of work. But to me ,from a purely aesthetic perspective, the background is a bit too bright and cluttered, detracting from the impact and symbolism of the merged human figures within the gear ring.
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It's the result that counts... not if the manipulation is done manually or digitally. All photographers manipulate there picture ...with lens filters ...while developing ...with their choice of photo paper... or with image editing software. The internet is an electronical medium ...so this is definately the right place to show your manipulated photographs! Keep up the good work!
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outstanding work. My congrats, I see your works (which I like in the early times) are impproving day by day. Go on ...
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First of all, congrats on this picture of the week, Lasse. You already know how much I like this image.

Secondly, congratulations as this week's work is extremely original and has a real conceptual depth besides the obvious and expected high aesthetical quality.

Whether to PS or not to PS will hopefully not be the only thing we will discuss this week...

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Let me be the first to congratulate you Lasse. You've managed to take a seminal Renaissance artwork and, with the application of little imagination, a naked full-frontal female form, a few criss-crsossed lines, some wash effects and a huge dollop of bubble-gum flavoured non sequiter, to produce a piece of artschool-level kitsch.

I know that you know it's kitsch Lasse (your title gives that away): derivative, overdone and a propos of nothing in particular, but where the real genius comes in is in seeming to fool most of the people, most of the time, especially the elf who picked this.

Emotion? There's about as much emotion here as a Desiderata postcard churned out by a Marin County screen printer.

The "technical details" in mentioning Nikon and focal lengths kinda miss the point that this is a manufactured image, based on a 700-odd year old masterpiece that really shouldn't be interfered with if you don't know what you're doing.

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No problems about digital manipulation, the technique may also be very good, but the overall

result...is just ugly. Good as a proof of technique, but the comparison with Leonardo sounds

hilarious... I don't feel comfortable with most of other Lassie's work, but at least is original.

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I'd just like say that this image is a good example of how to use Photoshop *transparently* to create photographic art.


I've seen such horrendous, obvious overuse of "Twirl", "Watercolor", "Spherize", "Liquify", etc. that I want to let a rabid rally monkey loose in my pants.

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I don't think this is well done, interesting or original. I find this disapointing as POW. This leaves me wondering, why the high ratings and content of the comments? I'll be watching the postings all week to maybe understand what I'm missing on this one.
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Sorry, but the subject is extremely tacky, kitsch and too contrived for my liking.


But it is well executed. I'm sure I'd have difficulty bringing off such a high degree of execution.


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In Da Vinci's drawing the square is contained within the circle, not outside. This represents the squaring of the circle or the power of transformation and more importantly self transformation. The human form traces both the circle and the square in the two bodily positions, indicating divine proportions and the divine possibilities within us. The above image destroys the symbolism and becomes merely decorative, i.e. wallpaper. Turning the circle into a cog of a machine, further distorts the message, but in an interesting way reflects how art without spirituality becomes devoid of meaning.
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First of all, I absolutely respect your opinion, obviously, as nobody is forced to like the same thing as his neighbour.

Tony, I am sure you know by now how much I respect your photography, but today, I do disagree with you and others who posted here. I disagree RESPECTFULLY, and I may be wrong, but let me just try to explain what I personally find great in this image... I may be back in a few hours with a detailed post, but for now, may I just say that this mecanical wheel is the key element in this composition. May I suggest that people also start wondering why Lasse didn't centralize this wheel in this square, given Da Vinci's theory illustrated here...

May I just say that this image, to me, is an insight into the evolution of the world from Da Vinci till today... Lasse did not imo show an absence of originality here, by using a known symbol. All the contrary. He re-used an old symbol in a very novel way to basically show us what happened to our world since this icon was created.

Let's just be fair to the person who created this, and assume for a minute that his work may make sense. Then let's analyze it methodically rather than voicing an anger. I see no reason to be angry. Eventhough this would be a bad POW selection, how serious would that really be ? We will still (hopefully!) wake up under a blue sky tomorrow morning, and we should be here, imo, to try to share our differences of views, rather than making them an obstacle to thoughtful communication. Best regards. More later.

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