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Fall Impression


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The DoF and focus on this shot aren't great and aren't quite what I

wanted, but I'm really most interested to see what you think of this

as a composition. Thanks for looking and commenting.

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Since you are being quite specific about what you are wishing for in regards to critique I will address composition only. For starters, over the short span I have been dropping in on your pages I have noted a dramatic upswing in your efforts as regards composition and this is no exception.


In terms of foreground we have two elements, one strong and upright the other softer and down sweeping, I like this, as well as the fact that both originate in the same place yet travel off in different directions. The fact that these elements are off centered in the frame leaves me knowing that the purpose here is bolder than just ' hey look at this leaf and twig'. What I'm trying to say is that their placement within the frame brings into play the background as a third element in the composition. The OOF part of the image is as important as the subject for me and it is equally pleasing visually. The dark upper right corner flowing into the blur of the leaves and going out of frame in the bottom left as a light tone works well despite being reverse to what conventional wisdom would dictate.The out of focus twig in the bottom left offers a line within the otherwise soft and vague background and I feel it weakens the effect a bit by making me think about defining objects. I would be tempted to add some blur to it or clone it out.


Wow! I managed to stay on topic, that's rare for me, must be that glass of wine I had with diner. All the best. Gord

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On topic, indeed, and I really appreciate your detailed evaluation. I'm especially glad you're seeing improvement! Now that you point it out (yes, that's exactly why I asked!) I see what you mean about the OOF twig... I think cloning out would be the ticket for that.


It's so very helpful to see the words and thoughts you apply to images. Really helps me to conceptualize and think about what I'm trying to do. Thanks a bunch! Regards, David.

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David: Another lovely image. And again I find myself in agreement with Gordon's very fine analysis. Warm regards, Joe
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David, I'm curious and apparently no where nearly as disciplined as Gordon; what don't you like about the focus and DOF? I'm not unhappy with either. I guess I might like a slightly better sense of sharp focus at the base of the leaf where it meets the stem. But, it isn't bad as it is and I don't mind the very shallow DOF at all.


As for the composition, I largely agree with what Gordon wrote. But, I'd like to emphasize a few things.


1. The background is fantastic in my opinion. The other red leaves, none of which touch/overlap with the subject leaf, are very pleasing and I like the overall progression of dark and light. If I had to, I might quibble with the slightly brighter area in the very top right corner. Also, maybe a little bit less of the dark area too? But, really, I don't mind it as is.


2. The branch is unfortunate. If you do try and remove it, give the 'patch' tool a try. I've had much better success with removing things in these sorts of out of focus areas with that tool than any other.


3. I'd like to add to the list of small nit-picks that I'd really like the leaf not to overlap the branch. Somehow that really troubles me here. Maybe if it overlapped more I would not mind as much. But, that little tiny bit touching just makes me want to reach out and move the leaf.


So, those are my suggestions and observations. But, I wanted to reiterate that overall I very much like this image.


The colours are generally very good. I might say that the red is saturated to the point of loosing detail. But, I think that's probably an after effect of reducing this for posting here combined with the shallow focus. It isn't a notable problem anyways.


I also like the simple frame with the drop shadow and the stroke border on the very outside.

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Your comments and observations are interesting, encouraging and helpful. Thanks. As for the DoF, if I could have anything I wanted, I'd have the whole leaf in focus, but it does work for me as is. I agree about the leaf just touching the branch. Removing the branch is the only way I'll undo that little, but quite distracting touch... kind of a pea under the mattress.


Thanks very much for the advice about the patch tool. I will definitely give it a try. If not for the suggestion, I'd likely have gone after it with the clone stamp tool, or maybe the healing brush. I haven't done much with the patch tool, so it'll be fun to play with and learn about it.


Thanks so much for taking the time to make such thoughtful comments.

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