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There's something special about a boy's first car. The latenights busting knuckles getting it ready to drive, the endless tripsto the carwash, the first time you pick up your date...


Myson's first car

1964 Dodge 330.

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I know, I know, someone is going to scoff because it's a cheap low-end "brownie of the digital world" camera...probably the same nameless elitist pole-smoker that votes 3/3 on everything! LoL!


I'm glad you like it Jamie, thanks for the comment! It makes my day when people leave some feedback here, especially positive things :)

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My pleasure!



I thought it was taken with a small-sensor camera. It's difficult to get extreme front-to-back sharpness with a big sensor. It's something to think about before upgrading. You have to pump up the iso and shrink the aperture. The flip side is that a bigger sensor allows you to increase the iso without adding excessive noise.

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