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kent noble

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I have posted 100 new photos into the Biker Party USA essay. These

photos are not meant to be viewed by people that wish the world was

different then it is...you know who you are

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a sincere question...although you've failed to answer other questions i've asked before... what world are you speaking of? that everyone would be bikers who walk around in all their glorius ludeness?
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The world certainly is a lot different than whats depicted here. I surely would like the world to be a lot different.


But in any case it will be good to know what your essay is trying to convey. Maybe this symposium (as in greek for drinking together) does have some deeper scheme which will make this world a better place .. perhaps fund raising for breast cancer? Certainly not I guess..

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John Believe it or not I am a photographer. I make my living as a photographer. I don't own a Harley and I don't have a tattoo. I am definitely not part of the world that is depicted in these photographs. Simply put the subject interests me. Maybe I was over-nursed as an infant. Maybe I was under-nursed. Maybe my Dad dropped me on my head. Who knows? And for that matter who cares? Human behaviour in all it's bizzare forms interests me. Old wooden barns...butterflies...birds...kittens and cows don't interest me. It is fine with me John if that's what interests you. Have at it. The entire world is one big subject. You handle the barns. I'll handle the bikers. Really John. Trying to tell people that they should shoot what you shoot is absurd. And incredibly arrogant. Please don't look if it bothers you.
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Just as you did with Tom, when he commented in your portfolio...you're trying to put words in my mouth. I didn't tell you what you should shoot or not shoot. i fully believe you have the right to shoot anything you wish...within obvious boundaries, both legal and moral...such as child pornography. adult pornography isn't illegal or against the rules of the site...so have at it! i wouldn't think of censoring your photos. neither is it against the rules for members to state how they feel about your work. truth is...i didn't say anything about "your work", i commented on the subject matter represented in your photography. Your comments are showing a pattern Kent. Apparently you're very easily offended, for each time someone says something negative about the subject matter... you get personal. I didn't question whether or not you are a photographer...I didn't question your photographic skills...I didn't say you are a "bad" person...I simply asked what your interest is in the biker lifestyle and then commented on the lifestyle...and you go into attack mode. I do have a couple of barns in my portfolio, one butterfly i think...but no cats. Just thought I'd clear that up. I'm not offended by your work. However, I don't mind telling you that I find the lives of the people you depict to be nothing less than a train wreck. Nothing wrong with owning a bike. Nothing wrong with drinking a few beers. But let's be honest. The lifestyle of true bikers...not weekend Honda riders...is about drinking to a stuper, drugs, violence, exploiting of "their women", and little regard for the law or the basic rules of human behavior that most of us live by. Sure, the women go along with it...but that is even sadder. This isn't about documentary photography...as you made clear in your comments to me. It's about some obsession you have with the women who flash their breasts... or simply go around with them hanging out for anyone who will lear at them. Once again...shoot what you will...but if you only expect others to praise your efforts...don't put it up for critique. You're not the only one entitled to an opinion.


Artistic license doesn't mean that you have the right to twist people's words to fit your own purposes. And in the "for what it's worth" category...people who feel such a strong compulsion to angrily defend themselves usually aren't so convinced themselves...that what they are defending...can truly be defended.

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John Stop. I am 51 years old. I have been taking pictures for 28 years. I don't appreciate your patronizing lectures. You are bubbling over with judgemental rage. Use some of it on the hundreds of other photographers at photo-net that spend all their free time photographing nude women. And if you don't know who they are I would suggest you go to the top of the list of people that "others are interested in". Their is enough "smut" there to keep you busy for years. By the way you are right, "true bikers" sell Meth and go to jail. Their lifes are criminal and sad. And they smash cameras. So I don't take their pictures. The bikers in my photos are carpenters and mechanics that own Harleys and like to let off a little steam once a year when the party rolls into town. We have both made our points. Since it's my photo can you let me have the last word? No I didn't think so.
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No comment about the photo, it is what it is. If it fits the photographers objective, who is to complain.


I do take note of the stereo type presented about "true bikers". I think your definition is a small percentage of bikers. I know "true bikers" that don't wear colors, have tattoos or victimize their women. Yet they have 10 year old Harleys that have 100,000 miles on them. If they're not bikers then who is? If a women walks around w/ her globes out at an event, why should we care? She is self confident and likes to show them off. Don't judge.


I've also worked with "bikers" that partly fit your description...one was a president of a biker club, and had been president for 20 years. He has tons of tattoos, gets drunk most weekends, but his club does more for local charities than any other organization in the county.


So please, keep your judgmental opinions of lifestyles to yourself. If you don't like a picture, move on, because it's obvious you don't know it all and only know bikers as they are depicted in press/media and are probably to afraid to get to know any.


My .02

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I left no patronizing lecture...I simply cleared up the misrepresentation you made of my remarks.


Nico, it's a free country. I'll say what I wish...

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