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Blazing Enchantments


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I think this one is much stronger than your previous similar post. The earlier post has the same incredible color, but the composition here is much more balanced, with the foreground/middleground trees providing great compositional interest and depth that the other image lacks. Really well done.



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OMG Zack! I like this version better. While less sky is visible, it still works well to convey the intensity of the colors. I love the backlit larches on the right to round out the composition. This is perhaps a once in a lifetime event (although I hope you are fortunate to experience this again) and your reaction to the event was one of coolness; to make the right choices and not drop your camera in the lake. I'm sure you were buzzing afterwards. My congratulation. I will bet that you will always reflect on this and never tire of looking at your own acomplishment.
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I didn't think it was possible but I like this one even better than the last (which I thought was perfect)! The inclusion of the larch tree in the right lower corner with the top of the tree perfectly placed over the brightest part of the lake reflection is pure mastery. My eye flows smoothly from the setting sun to the peak through the reflected lake to the cool little larch tree and then wanders back over the entire ecene to take it all in. This must have been incredible to see in person! It's now officially my favorite shot of your portfolio. 7/7!!!

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Beautiful place and very nice composition Zack, but the colours are just too much saturated to my taste. I know it looks very impressive now, but I think you've crossed the line here between reality and s-f. I may be wrong about it and it's just my personal opinion Zack - so don't take it too personal. Your technique is really impressive and I admire it, but all in all the right balance in colours reproduction is a very subtle thing - and it's very tempting to exaggerate with all these settings.

Cheers, Piotr

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Zack, this is certainly a bold image. What I wouldn't pay to be up here to capture this myself. My only feedback would be to color correct it. I'm sure the scene was firey but to me it seems a bit too heavy on the majenta side. Hope you don't mind but I adusted the white balance on this to neutralize the majenta.

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You gotta know that the entire ratings system is in the DUMPS when this image is on PAGE FIVE of the Rate Recent Average category. Pnet should be ashamed of such an embarrassment as to what has become of the ratings system today.



This image is OUTSTANDING!

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WOW! I am speechless. I would imagine had I seen this with my own eyes I would have been then to. Outstanding...I would probably been falling all over myself trying to capture this gift..Thank you for sharing this incredible scene. A gift from the heavens indeed.



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