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Barcelona Chic

ian cameron

Barcelona, Spain.Outside the organically sculpted gardens of Gaudi I found this little street with a bright orange front door surrounded by opposing hues of purple and blue. As if that dynamic colour contrast was not enough someone (almost certainly by design), had parked a small orange Vespa outside. Needless to say I took the bait and avidly photographed it and in the process of so doing I drew a sizeable crowd curious to know what it was that I found so fascinating. The shop window syndrome escalated to an absurd degree as a few people twigged the artistic nature of the scene and soon the place was hoaching with photographers, Gaudi barely got a look in. NEW!! Photographic Holidays at Transient Light

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Whoa! That's what I call COLOR! I couldn't have resisted either. The drooping leaves in the window are a nice touch and your composition is just right.
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Ian, Yes, what photographer could resist? The tenant obviously cares more for his\her house than the machine. Contrasts in colour as well as in care! Best, LM.
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