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When I previously rated two of your images, Younes, I did not realize how accomplished your portfolio is. You have yet another good one here. Personally I wish the clouds were not present, or at least not covering the left mountains (and probably everyone else will disagree). Still, the image is technically excellent.
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thanks Scott for the compliment and the comment :).

I must say that the clouds are the entire point of this image. we've all seen countless photographs of Moraine lake and the ten peaks...but this one was specially hard to obtain: 4 days of getting up at sunrise, 4 days of dreary weather...even on that day a really thick fog was covering the mountains...it only lifted for about 15-20 mins then returned...and I wanted to capture that particular feeling here..of a fleeting moment...

Again thanks for dropping by,



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This picture would be better without the clouds????? NO WAY. They absolutely add motion, drama and energy to the picture.

This is a fabulous landscape. Is this a composite of multiple exposures?? or just some darned good layers adjusting in photoshop. The only thing I take exception to is the small object in the middle at the right just inside the frame. It's a little jarring.

Picky, picky, picky. I still LOVE the image

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Thanks for the input Peter! This is only a single exposure with fairly minimal pp, some layers for curves and color balance adjustments I believe. I also agree with you about the log on the left...but I don't like deleting things from my pics...I might give it a second thought though :). I had very little time to think about these shots as the clouds were moving extremely fast, so I just reacted and that's what I got.

If you are interested follow this link to what I believe is my best shot of that trip. It gives you a nice idea of how dramatic the conditions were.

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Younes, an excellent and original image with many interesting elements that interlock together. I can feel the movement of the mist coming in from the left and I think this is one of the things that makes this image stand out. I'd suggest cropping the rock on the right edge.
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I like it with the clouds too. Withut them this would be too ordinary. One is always not so lucky to capture a sunrise moment as I recently experienced on my trip to MeiLi mountain in China. Frustrating to see all peaks covered with clouds & so joyful when they floated away, revealing part of the peaks, the golden glow reflecting off the peaks.
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