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Wind Plants at Altamont, California (montage)


To produce an unusual depiction of this wind turbine installation, which has been photographed many times, I digitally inserted turbine "shadows", which are really images of the actual turbines that have been altered so that the graceful, swirling appearance of the synthetic "shadows" would stand in stark contrast to the rigid organized regularity that characterizes the appearance of the row of actual wind turbines.

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I agree, the shadows are to contrasty compared to the rest of the image, and they don't quite mesh with the curvature of the hills.


But I don't think that's the point. It is artwork. When I see it on Photo.net, I have a little difficulty treating it as such and rate it in terms of photography. But as artwork I think it's an amazing visual. The designer in me still wants to tweak that contrast a little, but the artist in me appreciates what it was intended to relay.


Thanks for sharing, Bill. Keep it up.

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I agree that this is artwork, I dabble myself, but if you read a lot of the comments, on Photonet, advising how to improve images... you will find that many,many of the "photographs" have been enhanced. What is the difference, except that we artists freely admit, and do not even try to hide, it. I think this image is brilliant, bring great interest to some very boring and controversial objects. If it doesn't match up to all the "rules" so what. It is far more interesting than boring photos of tulips with all the shadows in the right places. If you photographers don't like it why can't we have our own pages.
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Photography literaly means drawing by light

but here we've got bytes and software involved.

And it's not a minor correction.

Always wonder where photography is going?

Who of you guys know it?

Does that mean we're going to get corrected any imperfections from every day photos as a routine

service from our labs? Is it virtual or real one?

In 10 years we're going to shoot everything in digital I'm sure about it and then ...

By the way do you like BigBrother show?

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yes listen to Pawel, by making your images better on the computer you are contributing to the ideology of genetically engeneered superhumans that will take over the world. (that was sarcasm)


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I just got back into photography and I have the feeling that too many people are altering their photos. However as a computer geek I like how he made it simple and very effective, I very much like his work in that it has a pattern, this could be blown up and hung somewhere... nice job!
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I like the image. The photo could have been done better (spiff and speck on exposure, wait around for a better day if it was overcast, maybe get the sun behind the mills for more realism) but the digital rendering is 100% top notch. I really like the image overall. 9/10
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I have no issue with digital manipulation, but I find the shadows too distorted - I would have liked this better if they'd looked more realistic. As it is, there is a jarring transition from the starkness of the rest of the image to the swirly, fantasical shadows.
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I just happened to have a Pink Floyd song playing when I came accross this photo here. I have to tell ya, it fit wonderfully! My view on photoshop alterations of photography is this: If you're going to do it, go all out and create some amazing things that you just wouldn't be able to capture with a camera alone. I think this one falls in that category and I really enjoyed it.
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Question: given that it is a collage and so forth, where is the light supposed to be coming from?

According to the white aureole right above the hill - the sun is behind/bellow. The density of

the "shadows" increases however as it moves away from the actual objects and at the edges, where diffusion due to the divergence of light should take place and lower the intensity. I think it catches an eye and renders the whole image(extraordinary without a doubt) emphasized artificial flavor.


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iggy glinsky asked:

"Question: given that it is a collage and so forth, where is the light supposed to be coming from?" Your observations concerning light and shadow are quite accurate. I had added the "shadows" primarily for the overall visual effect that they contributed to the image, and did not give that much thought at the time to the subtle issues that you mentioned.


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Gorgeous. Like little marionettes, dancing in the wind taken in by their casters. I really like this shot, spoke to me, let's say. The abstract imagery works VERY well, and the contrast provided is clear and sufficient. I find I like these randomly provided "front page" shots more than the POWs, consistently. Well done.
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Way cool. I would have liked it a bit better had you toned the "shadows" down a bit to make them more shadowlike... a bit less dense, IOW. More Zone 2-ish, if you will. But a really fun picture on the whole!
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This reminds me very much of the mural "Springtime" by Jackson Pollock. The shadows of the windmills "dance" in a similar way.
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Adding to Mark Jacobs comment..."can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail, a smile from a veil, do you think you can tell? did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts, hot ashes for trees, hot air for the cool breeze, and did you exchange a welcome part in the war for a leading role in a cage?"
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