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Shot using Canon 10D and Helios 44M 2/58 lens. The lens was detached from camera, opened to f2 and tilted slightly to one side.

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Taken using Canon 10D with Helios 44m 2/58 lens. The lens was

detached from camera and tilted a few degrees to one side to throw

the focus off on the left and right hand sides. I realise the centre

of focus should maybe have been more over the eye, but would welcome

comments on image overall.


Thanks very much.



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This harkens back to the comment I just left on your other recent upload. A prime example of taking a technique and finding a wonderful application for it. This is something that I would not have thought to be effective, yet applying this tilt to a portrait has worked great. Nice work.
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Thanks Gordon!


The problem with all this playing around is that it's encouraging me in my bad habit of adding to a horde of old stuff. I've already got a load of "old crap" in my corner of the dining room that Mrs M tells me off about, and now I keep seeing old lenses on ebay to add to it!


I'm so happy with the way this playing around and experimenting is working out for us, and amazed at some of the results that are happening. Even Mrs M is happy!


Ta again.





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I know what you're saying. I consider myself the reigning king of crap collectors. I have ten years on you and a 16' by 30 ' barn full of it. I refuse to throw anything away and I have even been know to collect up stuff other people have thrown away. This drives my poor wife crazy. On the upside, on many occasions when something breaks or I need a new thingamajig I can go out to the barn and build one from scratch :) .... a much under rated talent.


BTW if Mrs. M is happy then all is well for certain. Mrs. B likes my photos much more than she likes my piles of crap laying about the place.

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Now THIS is interesting. The eye in focus and the rest blurred. It certainly directs the eye to the eye..


I think I like it but I'm going to percolate on it awhile. It's definitely creative and engaging.


Will be back......

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Rachel, thanks for your comments. I look forward to hearing what you have to say after you've percolated on it!


I will shortly be tilting the lens a little more easily. At the moment I am just holding lens in front of camera in left hand, and camera in right hand and juggling all the equipment while trying at same time to ficus the lens single handed without it being on the camera. All a bit fiddly. But I have just received an Arax tilt adapter and am now awaiting delivery of a second hand Mir 26 medium format lens to fit it! This will enable me to have lens attached to camera and tilted at any angle I want and free up a hand to make focusing easier.

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Ok, coffee's on (remember when it was made in something called a percolator?).


I think the concept is good but I'd go for less blurring. Original as the dickens, though!

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