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The Grand Canyon -Upclose-


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A triple experiment of sorts, first with the format (which I know

doesn?t do well on photonet), second a very shallow depth of field

for a landscape, and of course third: I wanted to get as close to the

Grand Canyon as possible??. ;) Take a look at the bigger picture

attached to this one, to get a better idea of what I? was aiming

for. In advance thank you for your comments.

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Very creative panorama of this landscape


All of the best my friend

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What a unique idea, i bet you have here an idea to create some more landscapes with this same method. And even that i havent never seen Grand Canyon live i can recognize the forms of the canyon. The simple presentation style is great way to present this. Best rgs Tero.
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Un abstracto muy creativo, como eres tu mismo. Creo que yo la hubiera saturado un poco mas, no se...

Al ser abstracta se puede jugar mucho con ella.

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A successful experiment in all regards. The format works for these bands of colour, keeping them narrow and stacking them up gives the sense of depth needed to reinforce your Grand Canyon title. The narrow meandering strip of focus is fascinating and leads me into the composition. Unless you used a lens baby I am going to guess you made adjustments with a blur tool later on. Lastly I cannot imagine getting any closer to the Grand Canyon than you have, yet at the same time you could have shot this any number of other places ( a sandbox in the yard -- any beach ) and later named it how you saw fit which adds a further layer of intrigues for me. The OOF foregrounds band seems just right to go with and add to, the OOF bands behind the point of focus. The most striking aspect for me is the depth within the image you have achieved with these narrow bands of colour.
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Gracias Belen, me ha gustado mucho tu version, me halaga ser sujeto a tanta atencion de tu parte; me ha encantado con los colores saturados, bien dices que se puede jugar mucho con ella.


Gordon, as doubtful as it may seem, it is the Colorado River flowing down there; and I didn't use a lens baby, just my old 105mm being as reliable as it's always been, and no blur at all.....but o boy, do I want a lens baby to play with!


Tero, you can bet on that, I'll be trying more of this type of pictures as often as I get the chance in places such as this.


Rashed, Niklas and Jeff, coming from photographers as skilled as you all are, your words mean a lot to me.


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I think I did a poor job of communicating my thoughts, I was never doubting your sincerity at all. I was just commenting that it could have been shot elsewhere not that I believed that to be the case. Sorry about any misunderstanding. I am fascinated by how you got that "S" curve for your DoF it looks amazing and I am still puzzling over how that happened. Something to do with the angle of the film plane and the relative height of the sand? This is the single most original Grand Canyon shot I have ever seen.


A lens baby sounds like a lot of fun. I keep meaning to take a closer look at the idea.

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Thanks again Gordon, actually I believe it was I who didn't communicate properly, and never felt the least disturbed by your comments, all the contrary. It's always a pleasure to read your comments.
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I've been thinking about how truly grand ( bad pun intended ) this could be if as you suggested you did a series. The possibilities are both amazing and endless -- I see Paris street scenes from the point of view of a cobble stone -- Venice from the waters surface etcetera etc. Of course the vantage point could be high or low or anything in between.
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....Imagine the possibilities! The real challenge would be to keep them as recognizable as possible with out compromising the close up and shallow depth of field. I can't wait to get started!
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En mi opinion Belen ha estado muy acertada en su apreciacion,respecto a tu imagen me parece un abstracto muy bello,ese degradado tanto de color como de textura es realmente espectacular,bien merece una buena copia de 40x100 cm colgada de una pared.No soy partidario de lo que te voy a decir,pero creo que dada la imagen podias clonar o disimular los diafragmas que aparecen,la imegen quedaria impoluta.

Un abrazo y felicidades es realmente buena

PD.he estado pensando que una version en b&n bien trabajada te podria quedar muy interesante dado el degradado de color que tiene,por otra parte he efectado un cropp en su parte inferior,dado que creo que quizas exista una porcion demasiado grande desenfocada,de esto ultimo no estoy muy seguro,ya que es una apreciacion muy subjetiva.Bueno Juan Carlos ya me diras algo...


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Con la herramienta de b&n que tiene el Capture NX,puedes convertirla a un b&n excelente,esta aproximacion esta hecha con el software de windows. Un abrazo

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Gracias Mario, pues bien dices que puede tambien jugar en el terreno del B&N, he hecho un pequenio ejercicio con el archivo aqui posteado , y me parece que tiene futuro. Sobre el recorte no estoy muy seguro, me gusta mas con la parte adicional de abajo, creo que ayuda a enmarcar mejor la parte en foco y da la sencacion que el espacio sigue mas alla de la foto.

En cuanto a los juegos con la saturacion y los colores, ya he estado jugando un poco, y los resultados me parecen interesantes y divertidos, creo que subire un collage de ellos en un futuro......y, contrario a mis reglas, estoy pensando muy seriamente colgar una impresion grande en mi casa; seria la primer y unica foto de mi autoria en la casa (aparte de las fotos de familia, claro). Como siempre, muchas gracias por las criticas y las ideas. saludos,

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como bien dices:"creo que ayuda a enmarcar mejor la parte en foco y da la sencacion que el espacio sigue mas alla de la foto" estarias en lo cierto,pero a mi particularmente me gusta mas con el recorte,cuestion de gustos,si te la amplian en un buen laboratorio te puede quedar muy pero que muy bien,solo te faltara decidirte por un b&n o un color.Saludos
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Hola Juan, me gusta muchisimo el formato elegido y el fondo degradado. Respecto al DOF estoy con Mario, es un gusto personal, pero me desconcierta ese primer plano desefoncado. NO tengo muy claro si me gusta mas la saturada de Belen, ya que los colores originales me parecen preciosos.
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Very creative! I really like the palette of colours here. I think I prefer your original version. Nicely done.
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Yo, en cambio, no cortaria nada, y tambien me gusta en version BW, ya te dije que se puede jugar mucho con ella y de acuerdo contigo en ponerla en casa. Yo estoy cambiando cuadros por fotos y no sabes lo bonita que me esta quedando, con un aire mas contemporaneo....
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Wow, what a unique perspective to capture one tiny part of something as gigantic as the grand canyon. I like the way this was thought out, and the colors are splendid.
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