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Taken with an ancient Kiev 88, last time I looked had something growing in the lens . Scan from photo

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Those are my grandmother's hands. She rescued those kittens. They lived and thrived. Anything she touched grew well and prospered. Trees, animals and children . She read the Bible and poetry. She had respect for all God's creations.



For Birte Ragland. A great conservationist and photographer.



I do believe that what affect the frogs, affects all of us. We should not merely dismiss the extinction of yet another species.



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Very beautiful picture, Mario! Beautiful not only because skilfully created but above all because is rich in sensibility and feeling, just like the work of Birte Ragland. Best regards! Un caro saluto da Glauco.
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Beautiful shot Mario, and thanks for the dedication.I have 6 rescued cats, so this is an appropriate image, they live happily inside a huge enclosure of plants, trees ponds and frogs.PS they don,t hurt the frogs and my wild birds are safe this way.
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This is beautiful! I love how you can see the claws and the fringe of the fur. Glauco said it all, this is a wonderful picture - Lex
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I Think is hard for anyone not to enjoy the beautiful animal images and nature you have captured among other things, I found your passion and message behind, very powerful .

Capitalist greed, rampant logging, has pushed the animals and a way of life to extinction. A new civilized generation might not see or enjoy or care that much for that lost natural world. It is our world. Thats way I think your message is important. All my respect, Mario

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Thank you for the visit, nice to see your photography growing also I am glad to see you enjoy good Australian wine for Halloween. Good source of inspiration and fun. Last year there was a glut of wine here, now the drought took over. Enjoy it as it lasts. The climate change is real. Best regards


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Send all the best to Pawel, too. :-) I really enjoyed the view Through the eyes of a mountain goat and still looking at all the other beautiful pictures from your travels. Its always nice to see a couple so close in their love, for photography . People tend to forget that behind every great woman photographer is a great other half equally important for support and sharing the passion and vice-versa. All the best greetings for you both from Mario.


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Oh, they are so sweet :) so little :) Love the old hands holding them :) and the dark around them, accentuating the hands with cats :) superb :) very emotive :)


Caro Mario : ) ma tu sei un tesoro d`Amico :)


Grazie tanto per le tue belle parole :) I am touched so deeply by your wonderful words dear Mario :) They came from an other artist and sensible person as you are dear Friend :) Thank you so much for your support and friendship, I am really really touched :):):):)


Grazie caro Amico :)


Saluti di Belgrado :)



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You have a grand artist soul ready to absorb with passion all things and all pictures and you inspire that enthusiasm and warm feeling around you. From all the languages and your travels and your experiences, you drew an inspired sensitivity that comes trough your work and touches hearts. Judging only by the tens of thousands of people clicking only on your biographic page you do influence a lot of people and for that joy and your generosity in sharing with us part of your soul I THANK YOU, too, from my heart. Dear friend, a big hug from Mario.


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I was very moved by your story about Rio, we always had dogs, too. Some turned to be exceptional, for their courage , most hard working, some very bright and funny but all beautiful companions for their short lives they give us, with unconditional love. I like your beastly friends, but best I like the dignity you gave Rio in one of his last journeys. If we give animals their dignity we get back a lot more. All the best my friend, Mario


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Thank you for the visit and comment. I want to send best wishes for your health. I did enjoy so much and still looking at your beautiful winter photos, they reminded me of back home. Last Christmas I spent there snowed about a metre deep, -25 C outside , good feelings, celebrations and very warm inside. Warm regards. Mario


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Mario, very delicate hold of the kittens by the hands of your grandmother. Good pairs . Sensitive connection, of human and nature, well photographed.
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The old hands had some arthritis, they worked really hard for a long time, she never complained . Animals do not fear death in the future to come. Man does sometime ponder his own mortality. Ah well, I should stop rumbling on as I remember. An old natural world I loved not long ago, but now is different. People and animals pass and what remains does hide and disperses, like shadows and memories in the shrinking forest...


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Good people and examples stay with us the same as the spirit of loved ones to guide us.Thank you for your visit and best wishes for you and thank you for the magic light . Mario



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THANK YOU. We share thoughts, feelings, images of places, animals , faces we like and plenty pretty pictures. Pictures do stir emotions and we learn but in this fast world sometime we forget to slow down and share enough real stories . Empathy for people and animals defines our humanity. You have that and also a lot of modesty. . We all feel richer in humanity as we learn to know and understand each other under the sign of peace. We do forget too easy the horrors past and war. Sometime there are not enough real stories, words, picture and examples

to change the world in a better place ...





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