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Color managed with Nikon Capture NX

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A while ago I posted a series of compositional essays done at the

MOMA, this is part of the same series, though originally it had been

left out. Thank you in advance for your comments.

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I love the motion here. It conveys the interest and excitement so many feel when they visit MOMA. Fine color and composition. Regards...
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This i like cause the motion and the wide angle presenting style. Only IMO i would off used little different POV, more space up or down, the roofline on the left side is now a little eye catching. Thanks for sharing. rgs Tero.
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Juan Carlos, Very nice balance here with the darker (heavier) mass on the right countering the larger but lighter area on the left. I think I'd be tempted to lose about half the area to the right of the dark mass. The people there compete too heavily for the viewer's attention with the people on the left. Best, LM.
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Thank you all for your comments, I must admit to have had quite a debate with myself on the composition, specially about including or not the guy in the red shirt.
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Estupenda toma,y magnifico documento donde captas muy bien el dinamissmo del momento.El formato panoramico es todo un acierto.


Saludos -Tolo.

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Well laid out and composed image. I like the placement of elements in the frame and the panorama aspect ratio really works. The only thing I am NOT excited about is the guy on the far right. (Oh, well, what can ya do!)
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Por supuesto y como bien te ha dicho Francisco el recorte a panoramico te ha funcionado a las mil maravillas, como no la interaccion del hombre con la arquitectura siempre es agradecida si se sabe captar...cosa que aqui ha quedado muy bien siluetas en movimiento y algunas otras congeladas, el unico pero que te pondria radica en ese personaje cortado, creo que recortandolo la imagen ganaria.

Respecto al balance de blancos, pienso que seria interesante trabajar un poco el Raw para conseguir hacer blanca la pared de la derecha.Un abrazo


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Con tu permiso te muestro un b&n preliminar ya que no dispongo de PS en este ordenador.Para que te hagas una idea aproximada de lo que te comentaba,te presento un recorte por su parte iz,creo que de esta forma se nos muestra mas limpia o asi almenos me lo ha parecido,es solo una idea,espero no haberte molestado en cualquier caso disculpame.Saludos

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Mario, realmente estoy agradecido por tus comentarios y la ayuda que me brindas incluso con una muestra de lo que podria ser; por supuesto que no me genera molestia alguna, todo lo contrario. He visto la imagen que has subido, y debo admitir que mejora significativamente el encuadre; ahora bien, como esta imagen la tome directamente en jpg (en aquella epoca el RAW me daba un tanto de miedo y no conocia a fondo sus bondades) no es mucho lo que puedo hacer sin afectarla negativamente, aunque bien vale la pena intentarlo. De nuevo gracias, un abrazo,
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The owner of this photo has rated 1 of your photos with a 7 during the last fourteen days; and you aren't allowed to reciprocate so soon. I'LL BE BACK!!!!

ps -- visual horizontal is a bit off to the right... ;)

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Good wide angle view that allows good view of the interior & the motion of the people adds good life element. DO agree with Leo that the darken right side person can be cropped.
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I like very much the way you integrated the static architecture with people in action. Nice picture!


Salutations from Canada,



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Hi Juan Carlos. Great crop. It's a long time that I don't have come to PN. So, it's a great photo. Encourage me to think about the social photos more than before and to try it. I'm little busy these days and that's why I was out of photography for a while. I'm in Dubai for a while and I've just bought a Sigma APO 70-300 lens from here. I think it would be a good and also a cheap one. So. be intouch. Ciao
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Great work, Juan Carlos. The static and blurred subjects, the lovely colours and foreground sculpture make this beautiful indeed. A great work. Regards.
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Genial Juan Carlos, me encanta esta foto el movimiento, la composicion, me gusta porque son dos fotos en una. Fantastico!
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