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© (c) David J. McCracken ( 400D_1560 )

The Accidental Tourist


Although only a small image has been uploaded, a high resolution 'jpg' and 'tif' are available of this photo.


© (c) David J. McCracken ( 400D_1560 )

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I wonder if this image has anything worth commenting about. (Probably NOT!) Taken after copius amounts of alcohol.


Feedback appreciated.

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Don't know how you do it, but you are able to pull this very diffferent type of gem out of your mind. You should drink more regularly! It is simply exquisite, my versatile friend!!! Regards.
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Kelvin, You don't know how I do it! I can tell you this. I have no idea how I did this either. I was taking snapshots at a carnival and this was one of the results. As for how many beers I had consumed... err.. emm... I don't know that either.


Owen, We must get together sometime and view the world like this. We definitely need to get Jim Adams to view it too!

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