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Parodia Magnifica


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Thanks Joseph! I was certainly drawn by the abstract forms I found in these cacti in much the same way as I am drawn to the streaking lines of fireworks. I've been thinking of shooting B&W images of firework displays for a little while now (and really pushing to capture the abstract forms within them). Come next summer I'll probably give it a try. Maybe this was in the back of my mind? Quite frankly I'm very happy with these cacti images -- they were the last shots of a very long day.
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I agree. All your Cacti shots grab the attention. I wasn't sure if it was B/W or IR turned B/W. The whites really stand out!
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They are all B&W carefully converted and shot in flat light (inside a glass house which served to diffuse light quite well). I really quite like shooting for B&W in flat light. The only shot with a more directional light is the opuntia shot and it the only one I am sure works better in colour (http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=6501909). I really hope to get a second DSLR body and convert my current one for IR/Visible/UV imaging. I have all the stuff for IR as I shoot with HIE quite often (but, have no scanner and scans cost too much to get done!) and I have been quietly acquiring the stuff for UV. Maybe for Xmas ;) .


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Gorgeous composition Ian. Nothing I don't like here.

I think this folder and the BW floral folder are by far your best work.I've really enjoyed seeing your work evolve in the last few months, really impressive.

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Thank you Younes, the cacti are probably my favourite images here (although, don't make me stick to that if you ask again tomorrow). It was a major treat to find them on my cards when I got home from NYC. I had recalled taking the photos, but, not specifically feeling they were going to be as good as they ended up.


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