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Girl Disappearing


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Jeff, I don't know what a lensbaby is but if you didn't use one here, I'd say you don't need one. This is really a beautiful portrait. The soft focus touch you added really gives it a tenderness that a parent can really relate to.


It really captures the essence of what we love about children and keeps us going through the other, mostly trying times.


Well done,



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I appreciate all the thoughts and comments on this photo of Gabi, who turned three yesterday. Among other things, she was given a Fisher-Price digital camera from mommy and daddy, which she wouldn't put down and ended up taking to bed with her. She is a little diva in the making, always asking for her picture to be taken and then wanting to see it immediately. Since I have a few minutes this a.m., I'm going to hop over to your respective portfolios and see what you've been up to. Again, thanks for such nice thoughts.
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precious! three is such a fun age! challenging, but fun. everybody warns about the terrible twos, but nobody ever says anything about the contrary threes. i do sometimes miss my girls being little, but mostly it just gets better and better (and one of mine is a teenager!) i love every bit of the adventure of their becoming.
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Jana and Bob: Thanks for your thoughts on this photo. It's rare that Gabi stands still these days, and usually the blurred quality is not artistic, it's actual. I appreciate your warm comments.



Kirk: The kids look very similar. Their grandparents, who see them several times a week, can't tell them apart from baby pictures. Don't worry, though, I have plenty of cute pictures of Noah to use as blackmail with future girlfriends.



Linda: It's good to hear from parents who are farther down the road. Parenthood started out fun and certainly is getting better and better.




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A lovely image Jeff! I love the soft focus, you have caught the look and mood of innocence,that every parent can relate to. Kind Regards Andrea
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Jeff...This is image captures something that most people have stopped to observe at some point in their lives. It's watching a child play...it's so mesmerizing how they have their own little world, based on imagination and objects flying solly by hand power, how they can get lost in that world ignoring whatever is going on around them. It's just so much fun to watch them...and you show that so well here!
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Beautiful image of this lovely child, yes the selective focus is very impressive here and also the well blured background, so much of great light and original tones.



I just returned home last night after a long drive and reached up to Seha'at in the state of Oman. The place there is very impressive and with wonderful Nature, yet the weather is still slightly hot.



Wishing you and yours all of the best my friend

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Jeff, I spent considerable time reading all the previous comments, trying to come up with something that would be highly appreciative and constructive yet differentiate me from rest. Well, I am giving up! Congrats.




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Andrea: The term innocence captures this age well. Thanks.



Doug: The transformation from baby to little person has been remarkable and quick. Thanks for your comment.



Diane: You're right. Watching her play is such a joy. In just three years, she's internalized an entire world that comes out in her play.



Paula: Always appreciated. I need to see what you're up to.



Rashed: I hope you had a fun and productive time traveling, and I look forward to seeing your pictures.



Danielle: Thanks for stopping by!



Ellen: Thanks. Do you know where I can get a herd of ladybugs? They look like they'd be easier to work with than kids.



Nassos: You're funny. If I had a dollar for everytime I described a picture as simply "beautiful," I'd be a millionaire.

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I like the picture very much. Soft poetry and fleeting feelings. Well captured . All the best for all the family.



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I like how you've accomplished your aim here.


Of course her beauty, softness, sweetness is undeniable.


Interesting approach to make her blend into the background, disappearing, as it were, into her environment.


You struck the perfect chord here with your tones and color play, the shape of her cheek being echoed by the amorphous shape in the background.


This will remain a treasure.

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Sweet portrait Jeff! Very much like the concept and the execution here. I also like the BW (though it was quite small), but the toning looked really nice.
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Jeff: this is one of my favorite images that I've seen on PN (and indeed, anywhere), and it has been added accordingly to my "favorites" folder. Thought I'd let you know that.
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