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a 50 years old man having a heart attack after seeing the winning lottery numbers

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Thanks for the info, I asked in the previous POW about f settings and was told that f 9 - 11 is the sweet spot for lenses, I gather this also applies to wide angle lenses?
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For Robert Pastierovic:


I assure you that looking at the large print of this photo (A3), you DON'T NEET THE LONG TITLE TO UNDERSTAND THE MESSAGE. But on a 680px on PN things may not be so clear. On a big print you can clearly e "6 din 49" written on the tickets and any romanian know what that means.


The photo has won a pretty important photo contest, without the tilte and everyone got the message. I am only telling you this because I have seen the large print and I can assure you that it's understandable for anyone.

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Alex, you should upload a few crops with the important details, like the ticket and the facial expresion so people can understand the high details level in the shot.
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nice setup and it made me smile


I don't see why a staged picture would be wrong...it's photography and photography has many ways. You may have your particular likings but in judging a picture, a particular liking is not relevant. Good arguments are. Nor do I understand why a title can't be combined with a picture. An image combined with a title is a specific choice and can make us look at the picture is some other way. Although I don't like the title...too literal imo. And I agree that it would have been better to see it bigger.


Nice job





But I do like the picture. It has a nice mood to it.

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Theatrical performance is the meaning and it presents conceptual photography. The idea is modern. An instalation, performance, all of that goes under notion of a Modern Theater. It is a comedy about an old and poor man which at the same time dieing and getting reach.

In my opinion, it is an odd conceptual work. The photo alone has this vintage style of '50-s. And I like it. The whole scene is complete. The wide angle lens seems to be all right, because distortion gives the notion of that farce. His psychology and the way he behaves, it's all presented so naturally.

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There is just enough information given visually to create a sense of wonder in the viewer, so it is successful at engaging the viewer.


You don't have to hit people over the head with an idea, but you have to give them a chance or they lose interest. I did.


Honestly, the first thing that I wondered about was the pea green stain on the guy's shirt. Did he spit up... How did it get there... after that I lost interest.


The thing is--this is a conceptual idea and the concept is lost on many. It needs help.


There is a 2nd TV in the scene pointed in our direction--why not use it. On it, show a scene with the lottery winning numbers being announced--maybe reversed as a reflection or something. Or, show this fellow dressed nicely in a suit with piles of cash, collecting his winnings. Or, maybe it would be interesting to see a pile of lottery tickets on the floor between the TV's.


I don't know--just spitting up some ideas here.

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The only suggestion I would have for the image is a shorter title, something like "winning the lottery." It would be up to the reader to discern that the subject is clutching his chest, and his cigarette is dropping from his mouth. There are a lot of things I like about this image. One thing that hasn't been mentioned is that there's a picture of a couple on their wedding day on the wall, but only one chair in front of the TV. The guy's shirt is dirty. He's alone and doesn't take care of himself, but he still plays the lottery. So there is some type of hope in his life, but the details of his life and his surroundings are bleak. The softbox lighting has produced an antique, dull patina to the surfaces in the room, and of course add to it that the room is dingy to begin with.


The concept is well executed, and there are enough elements in it to explain what this guy's life is like, to serve as a backdrop for the irony of his dying at the moment of winning the lottery.

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Same shot, same style, same everything except for the gimmicky pose and I love this image. Did you take anything of him just slumped, staring dead-eyed at the "tv"?
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I wish we could edit on this thread. Maybe a shorter title would help it... something like "Lotto" that doesn't just haul off and punch you in your face with its literalness.
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first, i want to thank you for your comments and critiques. this isn't the title... the title is "6/49" but i was verry tired when i uploaded the photo and req. a critique "a 50 years old man having a heart attack after seeing the winning lottery numbers" this was suposed to be the subject line. :)
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Shadows look wrong and too much light on the walls - note the shadow from the lamp on the wall. I think it would be better to use a snoot to make it look as if the man is illuminated by the glow of the TV>
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The level of detail is fantastic. Some would argue that photographs are strictly the technical aspects, but everything has a science and an art. What would photos be if there were nothing to photograph?
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To Robert Budding: The shadows look wrong because of the use of a wide angle lens. The lens makes the room look larger than it actually is, and because of parallax, you expect the shadow from the lamp to be more to the left.


Look at the YouTube video that Alex provided, and you will see that the subject is actually illuminated by the glow from the "TV" - it's actually a softbox type setup in a TV case.

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I like the idea , I dont have much trouble with the comp , the muted color makes this seem 50 years ago perhaps , I dont see the point in that , maybe B&W would be more suitable . The one kicker for me is that the man seems to have an itch more than the pain of a heart attack . Not a very good actor . But Im also glad its only an act and not the real thing this time. Overall 6/6 , Robert
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The concept and composition are well done. I particularly like the color and effect of the light from the TV screen as well as the "dead" TV being used as a coffee table. I found the distracting aspect of the left arm bent with grasping hand at chest continually coming back to mind as well as the extension of the left leg. At some time in the past, I was taught that during a heart attack, the left arm goes into paralysis and there fore a victim would not be able to grasp their chest.
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I think this photo is completely brilliant and well done! I don't agree/understand the critical comments in regards to the lighting. If it were to fit the desire of every person out there who disagrees, it would no longer be your vision...


Thanks for posting the link to how it was made. You obviously have a very creative mind and kudos to you for creating such a unique conceptual photo.




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I loved the detail that went into the 'staging'. The old TV as a coffee table, the Wedding photo on the wall and the draft stoppers on the windows. To me, the photo told a story about the man's life; not necessarily just that moment in time!
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I love this image, and whoever said the shadows from the lamp were missing is clearly blind. It's right there on the left side of the window, running straight down from there! Great expression!
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I wonder, is it a real room or artificial stage? I know that the TV table is done with purpose. But what about the rest of the room?
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As far as I am concerned, this is not staged. It is a slice of life. I have "been" in that room and I "know" that man. There is so much to be learned from looking around.


He is a widower, maybe (probably)retired, living with just enough coin to replace the old, broken TV, which now becomes a coffee table. He doesn't bother to replace anything else, including his favorite chair, nor any of the time-worn decorations. There is no shadow from the lamp as it is the only other light source in the room and out-shone by the TV. His age, plus the wedding picture (looks like late 1920s) put this "today". The architecture of the doors and windows indicates Europe. Everything else screams USA (Where I am). The shirt is stained over time, and may not get a good wash very often (it does not look like a spit-up stain). The dirty shirt, pajama bottom, bare feet all indicate a certain resignation or giving up, but he's playing the lotto/lottery, which means he has just a glimmer of hope left.


By the way, I do not see a wide lens. I see a very small room, compressed even further by the darkness. Oh, and the light or reflection on the book shelf at the back right is also from the TV screen (note the corner of lace hanging down just in front of the screen). And grasping at his chest: He's not paying that much attention to that, yet. If he's having a heart attack, he may feel the pain, but because he is still transfixed on the winning numbers, he is just grasping at something to ease the pain, which may not yet have reached his brain.


A couple other things to ponder about this gentleman: An ashtray full of cigarette butts, and one hanging from his lips, his overweight and the liquor bottles on the bottom shelf at the back of the room. He has not lived the best nor most hygienic lifestyle. (Probably since Mrs. died) Apologies to the model, but he looks more than his accredited 50 years.


I love the composition and lighting. The pic tells a great story.


Thank you for sharing!



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