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Flowerscape V


Part of a series of abstract nature shots with deliberately shallow DOF. This is a 2:1 macro and aperture was about f/4.5. The plant is horsetail, part of a big patch shot on a rainy day. Tripod + cable release. Uncropped. Uploaded July 5, 2002.


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What about this one? I was looking for an abstract shot, with only a

hint of color. The green background is made of hundreds of similar

twins. This was shot almost in my backyard on a rainy day. Check the

technical notes for details.

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First, there is more than a hint of color. It screams GREEN at you . . what some people feel to be a very unpleasant color.


With rare exceptions, people want to see something sharp when there's a shallow DOF. You've given it to us, but the element is not recognizable, nor does it relate to the other out of focus elements.


The arrangement of fuzzy shapes seems rather disorganized. . . . light here, dark there. Not like the other one you posted.



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I assume that it is a photo of some type of grass, but even if it isn't it doesn't make much difference...this is not about grass, it is about color, shape and recurring patterns. I personally think it is well concieved and executed. There is just enough irregularity in the recurring linear patterns to maintain my interest. There is really nothing that is razor sharp in this image, and it suprises me how well this image works for me given that I am genarally one of those sharpness freaks. (Although lately I have been playing with motion in some of my photography.) I like the image quite a bit. I don't think I can offer any suggestions for improvement. Nice Job!
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I like the idea here and for the most part, the execution as well. However, I find the fact that some parts of the same blade of grass are in and out of focus at different points disturbing -- it makes this look like a bad Photoshop job -- and I'd like to see more details rendered slightly more sharply to better set them off against the highly blurred background. I have no complaints about the cropping this time around but to my eyes, the green borders on lurid and a bit less saturation might be desirable.

All in all, though, it's nice to see someone trying a new approach to landscape photography!

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This one was difficult to shoot, as it was raining, the camera was wrapped in plastic, it was windy and the small twigs moved like crazy and the exposure was long because of overcast weather and 2:1 macro (-3 stops!). But it was even more difficult to scan from the print, as my scanner just couldn't figure out all the shades of green, even with manual control. So this is an approximation of the fantastic print as far as the colors are concerned. I admit that with so little of the picture in focus, you either love it and hate it. I love it, but the small amount of comments I received before I posted this on the Atget Group shows that it's a bit too daring for most people. Oh well.
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I really like this. The color is great and there is just enough shape and lines to keep it interesting. Like you said simple and sweet.
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The color does seem a bit bright, especially for horsetail, but it doesn't bother me. I really get an "under water" sense from this series, especially this shot. You did a great job of preserving the depth in this picture. I'd have to see a version with sharper detail to decide whether I liked it better, but I think it would actually detract from the image by putting to much emphasis on the front reeds. I doubt they are interesting enough to hold it. It would also break the photo into a foreground and background creating a barrier with the reeds. As it is there is a nice smooth inviting flow and mystery to draw you in.


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