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What is it (what age is it?)


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Never Tried anything like this before so I'd b interested to hear

feedback. Wanted to use the specular highlight to enhance the metal

frame of the watch.


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See, twice a day! How fitting!


Let's see, I'm guessing it's yours. It's pretty scratched up. That says that you've had it a while. Unless you were wearing you're new watch the other week when the idiot hit you. That's how it would happen to me so I'm guessing... one week! I like the lighting and it has great detail. The main focal point makes this shot very interesting. Had the face been the main focus, all this would say to me is "Time". This way it's about the direction you choose to go in life, the scars that it will leave, the memories that you will make and the time you have to do it in. At least that's what I get from it! Very cool, Ger. I'm glad you had some time to work on this. How's the leg and bike?

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Thanks Anthony, glad you like it...We go way back at this stage..Felt sick when I bought it, it was the first thing I bought for myself when I started working. Never spent that much money before. Little did I know at the time I'd get into photography and not even bink and spend 3,000 - 10,000 on a piece of equipment.

The bike has 1,600 euro worth of damage, the leg is still a bit sore but I'll live (like the watch)...didn't realise how old it looks until I took this.


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It almost looks like a Casio commercial. Wonderful design and woderful look. I love the way it feels like it is just floating up on the screen there.


I also like how MEMORY is what I can see. Very nice capture! :)

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Ah, Gef'ire Laufer. No clue what it means, but has my old man says in reference to people who crash bikes and keep on going. No, we're not german, but his friend is. He crashed twice, blew out a ligament in his knee and busted his foot so bad once the doc didnt think he could fix it. All is well now, though. Both of these crashes were long before i was born, back in the 60's and 70's. He still rides an 1980 ducati he bought new.


I like the particular darkness of this image, with the specular lighting; as you do. I like how balanced this picture is as well. The horizontal position of the hands contribute to that. The only thing i would try and tone down is the reflection on the top right of the band. I wouldnt want to eliminate that, just tone it down.

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If you are trying to get the specular hi-lights--you need a very tiny light source like a three watt 5500 kelvin lambertian LED (lambertian refers to the size of source which is pin-point). It's a tricky shoot because you have to be fairly close.
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Ger, nicely done. I like the angle, the light, and the subject. I like the cool tones. Nice watch, and well used. It is is good company... still wearing one I have had since 9th grade... also a Casio... and only on the 5th battery! I've worn out more watchbands than batteries...
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I see you stepped out of the box!! Well done!!! This is beautiful! You did a really good job and an excellent take on the theme. You didn't have to stump us - I just wanted you to go macro and you pulled it off 100%. Such wonderful detail! Nice job! (what is specular lighting - Dick Morgan semi-explains it- how did you achieve this?)
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Ger, I don't know how long you've had this but if it's the first thing you bought yourself when you started working It must be 30 yrs old - HeHe.

It must be 14-15 yrs old??


Just wondering, did you deliberately focus on 'memory' plus I notice the hand is also pointing right to this.





















It must be

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I always wanted the compass watch but could only afford the altimeter version until a couple of year ago when my wife bought me a Suunto I don?t think I?ve ever used the compass in anger but its nice to know its there as a backup!!!!!. Well captured image I like the pov.




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Oh, Ger...this is REALLY nice. I've never heard the term "specular" lighting before, but I love the lighting in this shot, so it must be pretty cool. I like that it's beat up a bit...kinda like all of us...well worn and still dependable...durable...long-lasting and worth it! The second hand pointing to "memory" is either genius or really fabulous luck! I truly love everything about this shot, and I agree that it could be used in an ad just as is. You know this just means that we'll expect more of this type of work now, right?? :)



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