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January Moon


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I am somewhat surprised by the infrequent moonscapes here on PN.

Perhaps through your comments and suggestions I will learn why? I

enjoy shooting the moon. Hope you enjoy viewing it from my

perspective. With gratitude, ~Mary~

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I am so happy you liked the image. The moon can be an alluring subject. Best regards, and thanks for your time. Most sincerely, ~Mary~
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Extrememly excellent capture. Your're in tune with the moon for sure to have the eye to get this composition! I like the silhouette and its eerieness.


You know, if this place is near your house, I'd be interested to see what this shot looked like every month if you were to on the full moon every month to shoot it and see how it changes..


When I tilt my head a little to the right,the image looks like a deer with the moon being the eye and the two main, thick branches being the top of the head and the bottom being the jawline.


I think more people don't capture the moon for several reasons: 1) the brightness makes it difficult to capture the detail that most look for and at the same time capture interesting details such as cloud formations and colorful lighting cast from the moon and reflecting off atmospheric moisture. 2) many live in or near suburban areas where light pollution is challenging to overcome and that landscape can be less than inspiring 3) they're inside sleeping or watching TV.


The high key moon in your image works very effectively and gives that fuzzy, foggy, eerie feeling so the detail of the moon itself isn't important.


I posted a pic of the moon from a series that I took a few weeks ago from my backyard. I wasn't going to post it but after reading your comment, I decided to pick the best one, which I'm not totally satisfied with; I would prefer more detail in the moon and have captured the colors surrounding the early morning moon-set better...but I've got some more work/studying to do to accomplish what I think I want.



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Mary, I would probably crop the image to remove most of the black area (which IMO does not add anything here) and to give more emphasis on the moon. The branches are framing the moon in an interesting way and the mist adds a calm atmosphere. Best wishes. Peter
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