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Ethan (Hand-painted & colored}


Hand-Colored & painted

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Please give me some feedback. This is an older picture (2004) painted

with a new technique. Thanks for looking. J.

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Thank you :)


The process is much like actually painting a painting. I first start with a light copy of the B&W, kind of like a sketch. I then add color in PS using different layers for each color. When, I'm satisfied, I flatten & then move the image to Corel Painter. In Painter I apply the brush strokes to the entire painting. I flip back & forth from Painter to PS using the burn & dodge tool as needed. Once I have all the basic strokes in place I return to Painter & add the details via dodge & burn layers. The hair is a great example, I dodge & burn the actual hairs in place as I paint. It's a long, addictive process :)


It usually takes several hours to complete one image. I am getting a little faster though. I play for a while & then go back & play some more. I just sent this one & one other to the printer. I have them printed on a linen paper. They usually turn out beautifully. I'm thinking of printing one on canvas just to see how it turns out.


Thanks for asking :)

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Thanks Roger. His mother requested this image for Xmas. It's her favorite :) So....here it is. Getting the drop on Xmas :)
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Jayme: Can't think of a more beautiful and thoughtful Christmas present. I've seen this painting technique done by hand on BW's in 1960's but they never looked this natural. With your patience and expertise, you have shown us a wonderful example of the possibilities of digital art. Blessings, Rebekah B.
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I find myself drawn to hand-painting an image. I can spend hours without even knowing 15 minutes has gone by. I truly enjoy it & learn something new each time I do it. It truly is like a painting. Starting with a light B&W sketch. Each color, each brush stroke is purely up to me & my Wacom pen & tablet:) There are so many options. Limitless possibilities :)


Getting the hang of drawing with a tablet & pen is really frustrating sometimes. But....I have forced myself to use it exclusively & that has helped. Like relearning how to use a mouse :)

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Been a while since I have visited your wonderful portfolio, and I'm so glad I did it today. This is charming and definitely has a real vintage feeling. I know his mother must be thrilled with it.


I have a Wacom tablet and several pens as well as the Corel Painter software and, of course, PS current version. All of these and my desktop Mac or MacBookPro. The only thing I seem to be missing is your superb talent! I find your work inspiring but don't think I will ever reach your level of expertise.


If you want to see some other design work I do with my son, take a look at our WebDesignery.com site. I've also designed a line of vintage notecards recently but haven't figured out what to do with them besides giving them away!


Continued success and happiness to you, Jayme.




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You are way too kind. I think I have more perseverance than talent. While I have only taken a handful of photography & art classes, I feel I am more self-taught than professionally educated. Admittedly, I do have an expansive library of books & magazines on both photography & art. My husband and I have often joked that someday we may have to add a library on to our small home. Between his medical books & motorcycle magazines & my art & photography books & magazines, every shelf, every closet & every cupboard is brimming.


While there are times I may not be able to find my reading glasses or my keys, I can always find that certain book or magazine where I read that special something that I need to remember :) The information just seems to be burned into my memory :)


I smiled when you mentioned the note cards. I too have designed & printed a drawer full. They do come in handy when I have forgotten someones birthday or a special occasion. I have even designed & printed my own wrapping paper :) LOL


I love vintage everything :) I designed, printed & sold hundreds of vintage spice jar labels on eBay one year. I had so much fun, but it got to be so overwhelming, too much like a real job, I had to stop. I already had a real job! LOL But eBay has gotten so big & filled with new stuff that finding anything on there is more of a stroke of luck.


Kentucky has some pretty amazing state parks. Each one has a unique gift shop that sells items made by crafts people from KY. I inquired once about selling my note cards, but because I had them printed by a company that did not reside in KY, they would not even consider them. I found this notion rather silly. I wondered if the "ink" even had to be made in KY :) Their loss. I felt my note cards were prettier & more KY oriented than the ones they were selling. Oh well!


I will check out you website sometime today. And again thank you for making my day! I needed that!



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