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© © David J. McCracken

Mama Mia My Mamiya



© © David J. McCracken

From the category:

Nude and Erotic

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Ha! When I looked at the thumbnail, I knew straight away that this was your picture without looking at the name of the photographer. So it's very your style I must say.
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It is a wonderful picture David and as mentioned above; recognizably McCracken.


I am (no pun intended) curious. What do you do with a wonderful photo such as this one once you have made it? That is, other than post it here. Kudos don't pay the rent. Will someone purchase this work? Will it help you sell other work?




(My comments on photographs rarely have taken as long as this one to compose.)



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Pepe, You are too easily amused. Thanks a lot.


Ken, People say that to me all the time. I took this photograph to show them I could! Good of you notice.


Edwin, Aye indeed! Getting to the bottom of things is a lot of fun.


Owen, For some reason I felt that you would like this. I am certainly glad that you do. Thanks a lot.


Barry, You may not believe this, but you have just given me and idea. Thanks for that.


Albert, I never believed I had any style. Some very well respected photographers on here often point out that I do. I would like to think I have humour and it is perhaps this humour that people recognise. I can dream!


George, Call me stupid! I missed the pun altogether. I do not 'do' anything with my images at the moment. However, I do relalise that some of my images might be of interest to some people and so maybe I will think about selling them in the future. Perhaps this is one such image. For now the kudos will do and it is great to know that you are one of the people giving them. Thanks a lot.


Thanks everyone!

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Hardly stupid, David. While presumably someone pointed out the pun for you, you were smart enough to enjoy their counsel. Kudos to them...and to you. Thank you for answering my question.


Here is the puzzle: Kids, mortgage, tuition, art.


Art for the sake of art...


Your answer is very much appreciated. And your art is without distraction. I see it better now.





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George, Thanks for getting back to me. Art should always come first! It never does, but it would be nice to think it that it can.


Janusz, I do like the composition here myself. Thanks for the appreciation.

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Quite the "tongue twister", David. And a bit "tongue-on-cheek", I might add (:-))!!! A unique and refreshingly original presentation, my friend!!! Excellent work. Regards.
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Naked Camera sounds like another splendid title! Again grate sens of humor. Nobody else could come up with such an idea for sure.

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