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The Mission at Taos Pueblo


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The mission in Taos. A magical place to visit. Let me know what you

might have done different on this shot. As always, in gratitude, ~M~

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It does look magical and historical. Nothing to much else to do with this shot; I like the wide angle perspective.


Of course, everyone is different so if you want to know what I would do, it would be to clone out that stick in the clouds on the mid left of the frame and possibly include a smidgeon more foreground.


The simple colors and tonal range are excellent!. This could be a good candidate for B&W conversion.



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I really appreciate your keen eye. It is amazing how much I miss. Yes the stick! and I agree more foreground. Thank you so much. Really great advise! Also I might say you have a very kind way of critique. If you aren't already? you should take up teaching. Thanks again. ~M~
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Not toooo much forground and it may not even work - I'd have to try it first to see. I kind of like the way the corner of the wall is close to the bottom and is large. It seems to add a weighty feeling like the anchor of the image it is.


As for teaching, I do write some fly tying tutorials for some flies I have developed and others need explanation in. Its been a while since I have taught a fly casting or tying class but I don't think I could handle a classroom. My wife is an elementary teacher and is always talking about pulling her hair out?? Besides, you need a college education to teach and I lack that.


Thanks for your thoughts though.



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