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Reach for the sky


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After taking in much of the excellent advise I received here on PN I

worked towards a fresh new angle to create a little different flower

composition. How does it come across for you? 3/3's let your voice be

heard.... In deep gratitude! ~M~

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I like the diagonal composition the stamens generate and the uniform background. The focus is quite soft, which may have been your intention ? If not, it is pretty difficult to get sharp focus, in this close to your subject, without the use of a tripod, mirror lock up and a cable release or self timer. Even then you have to what for a calm moment. Cheers Gord
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Yes a bit soft, though actually this flower was about 10 feet above my head, taken with the 300 mm. The breeze was definitely a factor in the sharpness. I do tend to like a bit of softness around the center... perhaps too much on this one? As always I really appreciate your time and thoughts. I'll come by and have a peak at you new uploads, and drop a line. Thanks again. ~M~
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