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Simplicity of Shapes and Colors

rick vincent

An original composition photographed in Macro mode. f3.5, 1/6 sec, ISO 100

From the category:

Fine Art

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I never know how to categorize something like this. Is it fine art?

Maybe? Seems like that depends on the opinion of the viewer. I vote

for a Macro category. Anyone wish to second the motion?

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The simplicty and the aesthetic balance between the shapes, shadows and colors is amazing. I really can't figure out exactly how this photo was made, however. Kind of eerie.
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I have nothing to say but wow! Looks like a painting but I have the feeling it's real. Great job! So how did you do this?
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I don't know what it is, but its arrangement is superb, even with all those different colors and shapes. It's hard to tell if it's record of something that truly existed, or if it's a completely fabricated composition, for instance in photoshop. But, in terms of a pictures, it's very powerful.
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Wow, this photo has created quite a mystery. I think it might lose its "mystique" if I reveal the source so soon. For now I will tell you this much. It is my own composition of elements all of which happened to be in my office. I composed and shot several versions of this on my lunch break. I moved the elements around, added and deleted elements, and experimented with different lighting angles. This one, I found the most interesting. I would like to let the mystique remain awhile longer and maybe see if someone discovers its secret. Photoshop? Not really. Minor levels adjustment, unsharp mask. Color saturation is "straight out of the camera" without any color enhancement. Thank you for your comments, I enjoy the discussions on this forum.
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I'm thinking post-it notes. Nice work, whatever the medium. To me, even more interesting if composed from mundane elements.
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I agree with mike. I'm thinking post it notes. And that's a squash ball, I bet. But all the boundries are so seamless. The most important thing is Rick's ability to see all of these things as elements for a picture. Just glancing at it now and it looks like a risen moon over a red mountain. That pink stripe is a large foreground tree and the green/yellow border is a gradation in the sky, or a cloud bank. It's really interesting.
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This is just too well done. So it has to be a 9 in Aesthetics. Composition, color and light are really VERY WELL adjusted... But still, that wouldn't be a picture I would remember all my life... Meaning that besides the great Aesthetics, it lacks something more interesting to me... It basically lacks something I like to see somehow in any photograph, and its called Life...:-) Regards.
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Guest Guest


Hi Rick, I see with pleasure that also you are having fun with this kind of creations:-)).Well done!
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Yes, a creation is a good word for this. Much like a still life photographer who creates a composition then photographs it. I thought of your digital work after I photographed this, but unlike your digital creations, this one is not digitally manipulated. It does have a certain modern digital look which makes people think that it is.
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Dynamite colors, both choice and juxtaposition, great shapes, again well placed with relation to one another, teasing shadows and highlights -- overall a great photo and a real pleasure to look at. Great imagination and eye, too!
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If I lived in a loft apartment, with black leather furniture, glass top end and coffee tables, and a poodle...I would hang this over my sofa. Very modern-contemporary. Nicely done.
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Now I can at least say this shot is worth something. This shot won a first place prize in macro/abstract category at digitalphotocontest.com, scoring me a $100 flash for my digital cam.
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