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Glen Canyon Bridge


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Veo el cielo con mucho ruido y los negros un poco empastados. Creo que la conversion que has hecho al BN no es de las mejores. Si utilizas el Photoshop CS3, tiene un programa excelente para convertir color en BN. Si pinchas en Imagen>ajustes>BW te sale una ventana donde puedes trabajar cada color independientemente. Lo del ruido tambien lo puedes quitar. Lo que me extranya es que con la D-200 te salga ese ruido....Tenias programada la sensibilidad (ASA) muy alta en el menu de la camara? Yo no utilizo mas de 200 ASA para evitar esas cosas. Saludos.
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Gracias Belen, tienes toda la razon, honestamente tampoco estoy muy contento con el resultado. Voy a intentar otras soluciones, y jugar un poco con el CS3, que practicamente no utilizo, prefiero solo trabajar en Nikon Capture NX. Seguro cambiare la imagen en un futuro. Saludos,



Lennart, as always, thank you for your kind comments and the attention you give to my pictures; this was actually taken with the D200, but I wanted to make it look like film. However I think I over did it, and will have to try again.


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La imagene es realmente impactante , pero leyendo el comentario de Belen me he devuelto a observar nuevamente la foto y creo que tiene razon y sacare provecho de este comentario para futuras fotos en blanco y negro !


Lo que mas me gusta de este "dialogo" es como se puede aprender. Gracias por los continuos comentarios en mis fotos, me halagan y aprendo mucho


Un abrazo



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thats a strong image juan carlos. at first sight it looks like the bridge would be cut right in the middle. great arrangement and perspective! also i like the high contrast ist this picture and also in many of your other pictures. it is not easy to handle this and integrate the dark shadows into the hole composition. very well done! the photo makes me curious to see that place by my own. cheers.
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Esta foto da el trompe-l'oeil de un puente que no conduce má³ que al vací¯® Paradoja mḩma o quizá³ metafora de la incomunicaci�n.
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I really like this capture Juan. Either you've chosen an angle to trick my eye or it a really steep incline to cross : )
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John, this area is an amazing place to visit and photograph, there is an amazing array of photo opportunities, when I visited last year it was like being a child in a candy store.


This particular shot took me a while to compose and find the right spot, to make things even more interesting, there is a fence impeding you to go beyond some spots, and even ruining some possible shots, my main focus was to make the bridge look like it ended nowhere, in the end, the fence that I resented so much was what helped me achieve this, since it hid the road turning to the right behind the bridge itself.


Anyway, thank you for looking into my portfolio to find this and some other forgotten images I posted a while ago. Cheers!


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Guest Guest


Perfect framing. The intense contrast in black and white gives this image a lot of punch.
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Sheryl, thank you very much for your visit and positive feedback; if you ever go to this place, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time taking fantastic pictures. Cheers!
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