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rain on the tulip


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You found yourself a nice flower here and you've made an admirable effort to capture it. Even so I still believe this photograph could be improved and future attempts with similar subjects could also be approached in a different way. Firstly I think that although accurate the colours in this scene could be pumped up a bit to get some extra contrast, I appreciate it's not to everyone's taste but a few tweaks go a long way. In the future I'd also consider adjusting your composition to make it a bit more interesting than plain single flower on a background, I appreciate it may mean adopting a painful position on or near the ground but there's no harm in experimenting especially with digital. Finally I find that when shooting flowers the background is also as important as the subject itself, I'd prefer if this has a more uniform background as opposed to a green brown divide. I'm sorry if this seems too critical it's just my opinion after all, you don't have to take it at all seriously! Either way I hope I've helped you even just a little bit, you may wish to check out the flower section of my portfolio there is a tulip not dissimilar to yours.
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Thank you Robert for the detailed critique. I appreciate the time it takes for such scrutiny. I did visit your tulip, and took note of your technique. I solicited some feedback from friends on this one and learned a lot about what I had missed. My perspective keeps expanding and PN is a wonderful forum from which to learn. Thanks again! Most sincerely, ~M~
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