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pink lady waiting for red guy to turn green


Canon 20D, EFS 17-85, ISO 200, @85mm, F8, 1/200 sec, handheld, light processing, raw, color saturation, level/contrast adjustment, light sharpenning.

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You know, the first pictures of yours that ever attracted my attention were those wonderful beach shots only a few of which are still on your site. In a way they are much more accessable and less demanding on the viewer than shots taken in an urban environment. In the city we are assaulted by a hodge-podge of angles, poles, wires, shadows and all the accoutrements of modern life. Composition is much more complicated for the photographer who must find a way to bring order out of chaos and balance the competing geometrics. Works like the above take study on the part of the viewer which, alas, for most is beyond their capabilities. Still we soldier on, we stalkers of the street, hoping that there are a few out there who will take the time to appreciate what our camera have recorded.
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Fine example of street engineering, true delight to my soul. Easy to start with the diagonals from top; the long and short narrow cast shadows, then the main shadow border and those white painted stripes far left and right just above the plants. Closer look and you notice the shadow border touching the top of the post with traffic light and then to the shoulder of the lady, her light top kinda repeated by the white round back of the traffic sign up left. Priceless detail is that traffic light on left showing us viewers the red man to as do the other light outside the frame to that lady.


Edit: I forgot to mention the nice rhythm and distribution of the vertical elements.

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Thanks Jack ...and still I find that there is no such thing as a street shot with people...I guess what attract me so much is the kind of scene that exists only once for a few second...I enjoy nice landscape, perfect composition of beautiful object I see here and there of course...but looking at them I am still starving for more spontaneity...


...for some time I thought that good image required perfect composition, geometry and so on...I think I was wrong...of course you need a little bit of order for the image to be readable...but if it is at the cost of spontaneity and freshness, I think most of the interest is lost and while the image is good, it is dry and its unique subjectivity is averaged out...the same about technique...I will never exchange a spontaneous shot with little mistake against a technically perfect one without soul...I think once you realise that, things are becoming more and more interesting....

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Markku...Thanks so much for your thoughts...I appreciated your deconstruction and comments about the diagonal and shadows...I agree with you totally...it's nice to see how different people view an image...for me this image would be much less interesting without the little red guy...without it I think I would'nt have posted it...
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What a funny shot. Her pose is priceless. I imagine her as a plump bird flitting out from the bushes. The angle of the street markings and her position in the frame give this a sense of drama. Will she make it? Will she make it?
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Laurent, very interesting triangles!the bright and dark grays and the stripped. And the human formes, the real in pink the imitation in red.... Intricate composition , very well observed Laurent!
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A shot that demands deeper evaluation. Your work is always so thoughtful and measured. I appreciate the attention to linear structure and balance throughout the entire image. I real delight to digest.
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How could I miss that one? I owe you apology for not commenting before on that great composition A lot of insightful comments have already been made on your composition, with which I agree. A great orderly vision in harmonious lines and perspectives, Laurent. I like the addition of the trees in the foreground. Where you standing on a balcony or terrace? A great one, definitely. I like the very humourous title too.
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Thank you all for commenting....I appreciate very much....


Laurent, I was at an appartment window (second floor) in La Corugna/Spain....my wife is spanish from her mother and we were invited to a cousin's wedding at the end of august...I had a couple of hours of free shooting (a very seldom situation for me) which I enjoyed very much (most of my last 20 posted images are from there)...

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