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I really like the non conventional crop on this. That " in your face horse " feel is terrific. My only criticism ( and I always have one ) is with the highlight on the horses back end, It tends to pull my eye out of the frame. I wouldn't want to change the crop but perhaps a bit of burning in would do the trick. Nice one!!
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Yeah, I could spend some time with this shot. The hot spot near Mr. Ed's butt, and the bright spot right off the eye annoy me. Thanks for checking it out.
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Hey Tom; the one behind the eye doesn't bother me since it only pulls my eye to the horse's eye. The one on the butt drags me right out of the frame.
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Little did I know how appropriate horse pucky would turn out to be. Came by to see who I may have offended (hopefully, my somewhat jokester spirit came through my post to David) and couldn't help that this one caught my eye. It actually seems to turn a horse portrait into an abstract of sorts but at the same time draws me to the animal in a way I've really not experienced much. 'Course I'm not around horses much being a city guy, but the way the eyes work here is fabulous. To me, so much of photography is about perspective, and this certainly proves how important perspective can be in showing something differently. Normally, I would agree about the lighting in the back and I understand the distraction part, but I kind of like the way it makes me conscious of the depth in this shot. The perspective, again, really confronts us with the face and seemingly elongates the body. So, to me, the lighting back there emphasizes that elongation. I find this a hard face to be distracted from. It's pretty in-your-face. Rather than the light back there distracting me, it just pulls my eye around the photo. Nothing wrong with that in my book.
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Hi Tom; I am glad to see your shot getting such well considered opinion, not mine of course. Harkening back to our conversation of last week, this is what we all could benefit from more of. Cheers Gord.
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This is a great shot! The composition is superb. There are a million stories in this photo. Bring us more of this kind character study work!!!
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