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The Life Thirst


This shot i have take in lake Nakuru - Kenya.This very early in the morning, fog have be on all area of lake Nakuru, this hunting be very fast and unexpectedly. My Photo Safari Workshop Kenya 2007Real Wildlife photography - African photo safari 2008 Join

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Face it, guys. Flamingos are not made for speed, even when airborne. This one was doomed to be dinner.


Nice work, Vadim. I am impressed by your entire body of work. This one was the catch of a lifetime.



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Learning the Wild Life! The decisive moment is perfect, just before flamingo got caught by hyena. In my opinion, when it comes a wild life photography, there is no special need for right cadre and composition because to me every wild life photo is perfect and beautiful.

I like here an action at overcast day, where is the focus on pink flamingo and its gracious move to nowhere, to empty space.

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Damn, this is a great shot! It's composed well and the timing is just perfect, but for me what makes the shot is the sharp focus.
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I don't want to spoil the party, but I find the perspective of this photo odd as the relative proportions of the hyena and the flamingo just don't look right and "jar". If the hyena really is meant to be chasing the flamingo, it isn't convincing beacuse the flamingo looks like it's a long way off to the hyena's right in which case the hyena isn't chasing the flamingo. I can't look at it without thinking someone is trying to pull a fast one. It just looks "wrong".
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For me, I think this shot, although interesting for it's subject in an absolute way, falls short

in several ways for me as a photo. First, I don't think this is a particularly unique photo.

We see lots of predatory photographs where birds are the prey. This might be ok,

however, the photograph suffers from the vagaries of the light. Because there are so many

shots out there like this, birds getting whacked-as it were, I think it needs to be stronger

in all aspects as the subject, alone, does not carry it into "specialness". For me, the 3

Wildebeest photos are much more interesting.


This is not to say that I would not have taken a shot like this if it presented itself to me,

but I don't think it is one that I would show (hang in a gallery as a representation of the

quality of my work) if I knew I were capable of shooting shots like the wildebeest photos.

I might include it in a slideshow of my trip to this area, but it would never be in my


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This is where I learn. Opinion says I'm wrong about cropping. I gain knowlege every time I log onto this site, even when the work being discussed is not my own. Thanks, and this is a great shot.
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As a photo of the FOOD CHAIN in nature, it serves its point well. I would have liked a better DOF, more details of surrounding( BG) and better lighted, but I understand the limitations. In general, a good catch of a moment.
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Just to clarify my comment is on the 6th of Nov, I seem to have a mini me writing on the 8th, just in case you all thought I was having a sybil moment and altering my opinion!

Regarding David's coment I can see what he is saying about the angles and perspective but I would say that the Flamingo had changed direction to the right to avoid being eaten. If you notice the Hyenas head is angled to the right as well to keep an eye on its dinner. I don't think this is a contrived action shot as is being suggested.

Nice gallery though David.

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HaHa..Hi David, there are a lot of us about, and I'm afraid I'm not so "mini". Anyway, I wasn't trying to say the photo is contrived (although reading my comment again, it comes over a bit like that) just that each time I looked at it, even if it is a result of the perspective and the moment, it doesn't look quite true. It just "jars" in the mind; I prefer many of the photographers other photos. Looking at it again, if I crop out the thin strip of foreground that contains the out of focus mud, it seems to jar a bit less and I prefer it.
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Thanks for all people for hot words, I make my job for you :)

This really hard shot, I have be in Nakuru maybe 15 times ( I make photo safari - workshops in Africa )

But this frame is be my dream, I have try not one time to get this, and in August 2007 I have make it : ) I have happy.

Now my favorite dream take pictures of cheetah 1 moment before a jump to prey, I realy belive I will make it in January 2008 I will be in Kenya with 12 participant.


Lot of thanks : )


To Erik Adams

Yes, tomorrow i will spoke with hyena, and maybe hi agree to make this one more time : )


To Vadim Makarov

I will tell you after 20 days ; )


To David Brown

David I take all my images with 600mm normally by hands without tripod, is to hard in Africa to use tripod.



To Narendra Bhagwat

I have make all answer, but not in a moment of answer I see.

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Niec shot I think that this is one of those moments that rarely comes alone for most photographer and you have succeeded. The chase being in the water helps capture the sense of motion the makes this a strong photo. Congrats
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Decisive moment. Very good compositon and crop. I think, that overall we have two kinds of photographs. One is looking at the scene or the object from outside, as a third person. The other type is the one that is inside the whole matter and is more about the feeling, movement, kind of first person poin of view. Well, this one belongs to second type. It is just my personal opinion and one point of viewing photographs. I hope I made my self clear. Regards.
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I also don't think the hyena is chasing the flamingo. I think they're set apart and that perhaps the flamingo is prudently getting out of the way (hyena's can be a little untrustworthy I hear). There are a couple of reasons for my observation:

1. the proportions don't look quite right - the flamingo looks a little small compared to the hyena

2. The hyena is close but it's jaws aren't open - it looks to me as if its prey is further way

3. Both animals could be bing chased by something else


Happy to be wrong, and this takes nothing away from a brilliantly captured photo.

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I wouldn't count out the bird. I think the excitement is the possibility that the hyena, running in liquid,might not catch this prey. Yet it has to eat sometime or starve with its pack. Good framing,great timing, good title, of course. A rare chase scene in a still that called for a lot of patience I bet. Nice.
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Vadim, I've admired your work for a long time and I gotta say this is one of the most engaging wildlife shots I've ever seen. Congrats on the POW.


I agree with G. in regards to crop vs no crop. The subjects need space to move and cropping any tighter would take away from the sense of momentum. I assume this shot has already been cropped a great deal, and so I wonder actually how it may have looked full frame with no cropping? Would be interesting to see, although I suspect going panoramic was for the best.


What an awesome capture. To my knowledge hyenas are for the most part scavengers(right?), and to see one in the act of chasing live prey (a flamingo of all things) is something truly special... Well done.

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its a great shot i must say even though the backdrop needs some attention however the instant does not give time to arrange and get the set on top notch so this is a great shot the instant can only come once in a life time and you should be proud of it mate.
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