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Bueno, bueno. lo que me he encontrado, con el Ali Seena, y yo pensando en las buenas fotos que tiene en su pagina y se dedica al pirateo y copia de lo que le gusta (hay que reconocerle buen gusto para copiar). Los administradores de PN o toman medidas serias o esto va mal, la pagina del Seena practicamente ha desaparecido y para colmo veo dos nombres en un comentario anterior a este, intento ver algo y tampoco existen ya. Esto de violar los derechos de autor es de lo peor que se puede hacer.

De todas formas mi objetivo es mostrar mi desaprobacion a la copia y mi apoyo total al copiado, un saludo y mis mejores deseos.


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he does great photo art. but now i am not sure he creates anything on his own. he also posts these images as 'his own' on photoblink.com. he will prbably erase this messgae as he has done others.
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Ali, why would you do this when it was not necessary. If you really wanted to use Saul's sky for your background, email him and ask for permission. If Saul said no it would not have been the end for your idea. There are beautiful skies, sunsets and sunrises hundreds of times a year. These beautiful images are provided free, all you need to do is take the shot with your camera and that image is your copyrighted image. I hope this will be a lesson learned for you and a mistake you will never repeat. Unfortunately you have damaged your reputation and it is a shame, you do have artistic talent but people will question your work. Is that image really Ali's, are the camels and sand really Ali's image or did he get them from another photographers work? I hope you can some how make amends with Saul and go on and never do this again.


I hope this will serve as a valuable lesson, not only to you but to anyone who contemplates stealing a little piece of someone else's work and putting their name on it. It is wrong, it damages reputations and for what...a picture of the sky?! This is something you can take a photo of almost any day of the year. Think people, get permission or do it all on your own. This is not rocket science, it is common sense.

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I am just as sensitive to this kind of thing as everyone else. However, I have several friends who are painters. They all use bits and pieces from magazines, library, images even from books by Karsh, and no one seems to mind so long as the actual creation is your own, and different. Another painter I know uses christmas cards sent by friends, and takes a bit from here and there, and calls it her own. Why is it then that photographers are so sensitive (including myself- I used my friends image once to create something fully different that he liked, but it bothered me, but not him? He thought it was cool, it was so different he considered it my work, not his creation)?


All us angels should perhaps think deeply the next time we photograph a landscape with a lighthouse, train, sailboat, boat dock, the interior of churches/stadiums, cottages/homes, etc, that the" focal point" of your image is often dependant on the work and creation of others, which without their efforts and expense you would not have an image in the first place. What credit did you give them? Zip I bet! Do you really think in the 1/15 sec it took to shoot it that it weighs more into the final image then the hundreds of hours, and huge amounts of money invested in creating the building your photographing? That gorgeous church interior hanging on your wall is NOT YOUR WORK, we are Xerox machines, the original artistry is not your own. Stealing a sky created by God is a far less crime. The same sky is often photographed by a dozen people at the same time in our national parks (from the same scenic point), sometimes only varying seconds apart. This whole thing is nothing more then sour grapes. If the story/theme you created is totally different, then I see no reason to bitch over a sky/horse/bird/ taken from an image. That is just helping your fellow neighbor to make his own beautiful creation, who perhaps was not fortunate enough to be able to travel half way around the world to shoot a certain lighthouse. What we gain could perhaps be the best image yet of that lighthouse, that everyone else was not gifted enough to create. If you can borrow from someone else, then don't get upset if the same lighthouse is borrowed from you. The key is that the image created must be significantly different for him to get credit to call it his own creation. Stealing a sky is just sour grapes, he didn't steal the theme, the story. He transported us to another part of our planet. He created something different, beautiful, a different interpretation. Sure, it would have been better to shoot your own sky, but he didn't. But he is not the first to take ideas, borrow from other peoples work.


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Who deserves credit for this work? Adding a pirate to this picture didn't take long. On the other hand the building is everything, it made the shot. The photographer is not nearly as important as the architect. No one yelled sour grapes. Besides, how much quality are you going to get from a limited sized file off the net? Cetainly not 16x20 prints.

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Quite frankly, it doesn't look real. And, by all means, let's put it on the front page of photo.net. Who picks the front page photos, anyway?
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"So how about you folks with such culturally and geographically diverse names but who write with the exact same flavor of bizarre, broken English "


Sarah has a valid point that I also noticed, as if relatives/friends of Seena are fighting in his defense. Only Seena can defend himself, no one else can offer the "proof"to clear this up. So far Saul has shown the "original" image in FULL SIZE, while Seena only offers a CROPPED version. So I ask Seena to show the original negative/digital file, a very simple request if he wants to prove who is the original owner of the sky image.


This theory there is a conspiracy to do Seena harm is nonsense, this harm he brought on himself. The comments supporting Seena are childish, just as a child who breaks a vase denies it when it is obvious he did it. His talent making images, or citing his abilities in photoshop have nothing to do with his reason for doing it (likely he was in a rush to finish the image, and did not want to wait weeks for the perfect sky). His mistake is minor, not nearly as nasty as when Fatali damaged an arch at Arches National Park(google it). A bigger mistake is denying it, like a child that won't admit a mistake.


So where are Seenas comments? No proof, no original file/negative and no comments from him. Did he just run away with his tail between his legs? Is his tongue all twisted, and he still hasn't come up with a legitimate reason for doing it, or does he have a brain cramp?





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Rick, where does your photo fit into the conspiracy theory, other then your show of disrespect?
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Rick, what's with the muscle boy all the time? You seem to like him more then anyone else in here. Even Seena doesn't like your humour and asked you to remove it. Do you have a particular interest in this man? Keep your images in the locker room, not in here.
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"Last year it was suddenly happened and like others friend I am also shocked. You have wary about your sky but not thinking about my career. Till now I have no idea! Who had done this to me? Some one said it was professional Jealousy and some said it was some kind of Frustration. But it was really Trouble and I am so sad about it. The original file I am attached. "


Seena, if this has been going on for a year, and your are also surprised by this image, then why did you not remove it from your portfolio? If it is not your work, then how did it get into your personal photonet portfolio that only you have a password for? Even if someone broke the password, why did you not remove it immeditaely if it was not "your work", or make an announcement that someone did this? You stayed silent, until you got caught. No one can change another persons portfolio without you knowing about it, and the natural thing to do is remove it and complain to the moderator if you have been compromised.


Sorry Seena, I do not believe you. But I think you do excellant work, and wish you the best. This was I believe a small mistake you made, and it will not effect your career. You have far less to worry about then what Fatali had done when he damaged a arch at Arches National Park by making a fire. He is doing well and has several locations.



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Sr Seena is painful your behaviour .why did you create false account with false names? creating false identity to defend something that is no defensible under any circumstance ? do not put the blame on and ask and admite your mistake , what is evident that are stolen images to make your creations . lamentable, painful and ridiculous your behaviour!
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Truth that is curious that all these persons q so much defend Seena and the demas lack them to the respect, they are all given of discharge in this month, the same day, it(he,she) has has there is, that curious not???
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"Dear Van Camper, I agree about these points but can you remove this image form here? Offcourse not? Why because this is not your portfolio. If some one was done this Conspiracy with different falls account than. Can you delete it? "


Mohammad, it is Seenas portfolio, and HE CAN remove an image from his portfolio at any time. Seena is fully aware of his portfolio, and if there was any changes to his images (sky changed to a different one), then he should have reported it immediately to the administrator (and us photonet members) telling us this is NOT HIS IMAGE (IT HAS BEEN ALTERED BY SOMEONE), This he DID NOT DO, obviously because he considered it his own work. If something is not your work, would you have it in your portfolio? I don't think so, you would remove it and complain in anger. Instead, Seena waited until someone else complained.


I do not see how a false account can be set up that can damage someones reputation, as you imply in your conspiracy theory. Remember, when you register, the name you select cannot match a name already used by another photonet member. It MUST BE different! Everyone also has his own password (unless he was foolish to give this personal information to others). So there is no way for someone to tamper with Seenas account, and no one can add images to his portfolio except Seena himself. There is no conspiracy, the only harm done to Seena was caused by himself (He added it to his own portfolio, no one else can do this).

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"They all write with the same quirks in English usage and have all taken the same vulgar attitude towards those concerned with this issue. The bizarre use of the word "suck" transfers across identities, although some of this content has been recently edited. There's also the odd usage of "push back," where I suppose the closest common-usage expression would be "hold down.


They all claim conspiracy, and accuse others of false identities. In my 45+ years of experience, those who first make bizarre accusations of some nefarious deed or intent are usually guilty of the very deed/intent they suggest. (It would have never occurred to me to "clone" myself and have my army of clones come to my defense! Weird!) " SARAH


Sarah, I noticed the same thing. I figured either they are an army of his friends defending him or as you said he has cloned himself using many different names (but still Seena). I believe it is Seena himself, because I cannot see friends having the time or interest to get involved with his small problem. Your discovery that his army of defenders have just registered in the last few days is interesting, and lowers their credibility.


I at first believed Seena had a small problem, nothing to worry about. It was nothing as extraordinary as Fatali damaging an arch at Arches Park by fire. But this behaviour, adding cloned names to defend himself has cheapened him greatly. The repeated use of several words, broken English, peculiar habits of expressing himself, all lead one to believe they are indeed Seena under different names. It is funny that ALL the defenders write with broken English.


Another interesting point came to my attention. As I looked at the 2 versions of the photo (one with borrowed sky, the other with a huge sun), I realized that the version with the borrowed sky has been cropped and also dodged in the foreground. Why would someone intending harm on someone else want to spend additional time and effort to improve the image? Only Seena would be interested in producing a different version.


The other thing is your signature is on both versions. If one is modified (not your work), why keep your signature on it?



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"With very honest and respect, we have respect of your comments even you both still not understand our points of view. Its not that much complicated as continues you are criticized and focusing your constraint on the different points. Its so simple and so essay issue to understand. Some one was done this Conspiracy with different falls portfolio. And it was not seena mistake.


As ricky said before.


Every one can register himself through any bogus email. Like yahoo/ hotmail/ gmails. Some more web sides also providing you free e- mail opportunity. So during opening your portfolio you should add any ones details. It was like piece of cake? "



Mohammad, I already discussed that you need a password for Saul to make changes to Seenas portfolio at photonet. Can you change it, does anyone else have Seenas password? I doubt it very much, and I am sure Seena would have done something very fast to correct it.I would like the administrator to comment on this. Can anyone have access to another persons portfolio without knowing the password, in order to make changes?



Yes, everyone can register himself, but only under a different name. You cannot register as Seena, when there is already the same name in use at photonet.


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"Conspiracy against Seena,

check this links. its falls portfolio of saul santos diaz.


http://photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=4039993 "



Mohommad, you say this is the full portfolio of Saul Santos Diaz. IT IS NOT, and it is NOT HIS WEBSITE!You are deceiving us by redirecting us to another website address you created, where you copied a few of Sauls photos, some text from his site, and then you added Seenas picture (camel photo) to this website to make it appear that this website belongs to Saul, and that now Saul has stolen Seenas image. Unbelievable! As far as I am concerned, the fake website that you created has destroyed your credibility .You obviously will do ANYTHING to win, including misleading us. I can see now what kind of friends Seena has (if they are even friends...likely it is Seena under different names as Sarah pointed out). I cannot see anyone else going through this much trouble to create anothe fake website. As far as I am concerned Seena has lost any chance for gaining his respect back.



It is also interesting that if you click on Sauls name it will show he has been a member since Nov 8/04, while the link to Saul that you provided shows he is a member since today (March 5/08).


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Van Camper, March 05, 2008; 11:12 P.M.

Mohommad, you say this is the full portfolio of Saul Santos Diaz. IT IS NOT, and it is NOT HIS WEBSITE!You are deceiving us by redirecting us to another website address you created, where you copied a few of Sauls photos, some text from his site, and then you added Seenas picture (camel photo) to this website to make it appear that this website belongs to Saul, and that now Saul has stolen Seenas image.



The answer is No. I don't think that By God; accept I want to tell you just some one did the same think. I made that portfolio just for example. But I don't know you should think like that. It was shamefully thinking. Plz be positive I extremely I had this kind of work...



Gulzari, Norway

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"The answer is No. I don't think that By God; accept I want to tell you just some one did the same think. I made that portfolio just for example. "



Mahammad, you said that is his full portfolio, not an example of how you can make a false portfolio. This is deception, and it is too late to change your explanation once you've been caught. I had thought you would do such a thing, because I wondered are you joking or not, but I had to assume it for what it said. But in the end it does not matter. I also notice a few names including your own have been removed from this thread, and the photos. That says it all.


Seena, you do some very nice work, and I like your style. Just be careful. In my opinion you have nothing to worry about regarding it affecting your career, and the issue is not nearly as severe as what happened to Fatali. Good luck.





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Hi Sarah,


Great to see photonet clean things up. Thanks for reporting it. As for being easy on Seena, I figured I said enough about the behavior and deception by him and others. Perhaps the best way to put it is that there is the bad and good side of Seena. He likes to deceive, but is a good artist. Maybe one day he will figure out what's right and wrong. He said that we do not worry about his career, yet he certainly did not worry about the other persons career. I wonder if the camera is his?



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