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Gord, these are beautiful! You've taken a very popular, but cliche subject (flowers) and made them more interesting.
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Doug, thanks for commenting on my photos. I am not fond of cliches myself, although I do not hesitate to shoot cliche subjects if the mood strikes. I do like flowers, so I try to find a middle ground where I can bring something more to the table. This is one of many shots taken over a period of somewhere around a week. A bunch of weeds had grown up between several old storm windows. Each day I would go out and see what they had to offer.It was summer so the glass always had some degree of condensation in the morning hours. I found it an interesting challenge to restrict my shooting to a 2 foot by 2.5 foot flat plane. It turned out to be a gold mine of opportunities more of which I hope to get around to posting.






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Guest Guest


Lovely blue color with drops against that yellow :)




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Another in a series of shots taken of daisies which grew up between

some old storm windows. Thanks for your time and comments

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Because of the colors and the way it seems to feel all alone!


Again so unique and so different. In a class all its own. Worthy of only the highest marks!

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great colors blue and yellow, classic combinations.

interesting idea, but well, it is not new, we know this ;)

As realizations: not bad, but I would like to have something crisp and refreshing, like the drops of the water sharper. I do not know, but the entire photo is kind of out of volume. Also, the patter of the water is also disturbing, but sure, this is not the photographer fault.

Overall, very good, but could be much better.


regards, alpha

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my prayers have been answered!


My major problem with this image is that I have to log into photonet to look at it. Otherwise, I love the simple composition, the cool, blue color offset so perfectly by the yellow and white, and the feeling of spring freshness. The sharpness is not an issue for me. I might be wrong, but photographs of condensation can be razor sharp, and yet still not look properly focused.

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That was my first thought as well Doug. You have to be careful what you wish for. Some others in this series did in fact come out sharper than this image. I have shot condensation as well as frost on windows often and found the resulting images to sometimes be softer than I feel they should be, even with a tripod, mirror lock-up and a cable release. I am not certain of the reason for this. That being said, some part of the point of this series was to experiment with depth of field working with the flat plane of a window and this was shot with the lens wide open and focused on the daisy rather than the condensation.
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Gordo, just saw you got a pow, nice going buddy! I loved the feel of this shot the first time i saw it on the critique forum. I love the way the flower seems to be emerging from the condensation, and the quality of light is quite nice. I read the comment on the sharpness of the condesation and i like the way it is, if it were sharp i think the photo would lose a certain mood that it creates. Not saying sharp isn't good, but in this case it would lose that soft flower emerging from the condensation look. The others in the series are good also, but this one is my favorite from the series! Good selection elves!
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Congratulations Gordon! Given how many incredibly inspired, creative approaches you try out and share for all of us to see, it was high time one of your photos ended up as POW.


I really do like the image chosen. The colours are gorgeous and I think the slight softness adds to the sense of oppressive humidity and the subsequent triumph of the daisy. (Maybe I'm bringing a bit much my dislike of hot and humid weather to this?)


Both 'Untitled' 6301717 (my personal favourite) and 'Daisies & yarrow under glass' strike me as more interesting compositionally. But, then again, this choice really focuses the discussion more closely.

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Gordon ... congratulations! I see this as being a daisy frozen in a block of ice that has begun to thaw. The deep blue of the ice, the daisy frozen in time. I'm sure freezes come hard and fast in your neck of the woods. The colors are amazing and the focus, in my opinion, is just right. Perhaps it's the colors, but I get a peaceful feeling viewing this image.
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The color is beautiful, as beautiful as color can be. The photo is more beautiful than real life, and as such, elicits a sentimentality from people. It's a photo I could get addicted to because it portrays beauty without truth. That's the kind of beauty people can easily fall in love with, but it's also deceptive, like too much care was taken to make it look so good that it tugs at your heart as a counterfeit for real beauty.


Art is an imitation of life. I suppose this photo qualifies, but it's so easy to see through, and tinny. Yet, that's part of its innocence.


Just the same, I have to try it. I am very attracted to the piece at once, but the moment of enthusiasm is lost after processing the image in my brain for a while. I'm going to come back tomorrow, and see what it does then.


For the idea, the piece is a victory, and maybe the best example to be found. The problem is, the idea is too easy. I've always rated photos partly on the photographers ability to get the camera to the shot, or have enough foresight to bring a camera along where a shot wasn't expected, but if one happened it would be spectacular.


All in all, I say Yes.

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After having revisited the 'Trapped between Windows' gallery of yours Gordon, I think almost any of them could be a POW image.

This is indeed a beautiful image, with wonderful colours, and a very, i think, original way to present a flower to the viewer.

Take care


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Very beautiful shot. I could say even striking, cause that was the first impression which i got. Colors are great, easily could imagine this as b/w but now i know how wrong could i be then. Great shot.
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Gordon, Gordon, Gordon - this picture is an absolute beaut. There's such a fantastic "painting" type quality to it, and I love the way that it's been photographed "as it is" as opposed to being some computer creation. It says at the top of this page that I should "address it weaknesses", but for me, there aren't any to address. Photographs like this so clearly show why one should always have their eyes open and be aware of things around them that aren't immediately obvious. This is clearly something you do, and will no doubt see you capturing more and more wonderful images. My wife would like this one on the wall :)

Nice one, and I mean that.


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For me these photos (daisy behind glass) represent showing beauty of battered, imperfect subjects. And photographer has managed to do that well! He has also captured simple, pleasing colour combinations and creatively used wet glass.


And yes, I prefer another photo from that folder, daisy looking even more battered and miserable. There is even more contrast and even more evoking element. No ratings, but my respect for photographer. a s l a

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Gordon, this is the first original daisy picture I have seen in a very long time. I love daisies, and I never get tired of seeing them either growing wild or in pictures, but they are always pretty much the same. You have managed to make an original daisy picture, and a beautiful one at that. That is no small accomplishment, in my opinion. Congratulations for doing something truly original, and congratulations as well for being awarded Photo of the Week.



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As a flower-lover and a photographer, as well as one who has also experimented with the wilting, dying, shriveled, with dew or rain and post-frost approaches, as well as under glass too, I have to say that this result far excels any I have achieved. The colour, freshness, sharpness, concept and composition are all so totally pleasing that I am not in any mood to advise any 'improvement'. I just enjoy it as it is.


A keeper for sure, and one I would not hesitate to hang on my wall with pride.

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VERY nice job. I completely love the colors, they just go together amazingly. Also like how

the background is a gradient and not solid blue.

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There is a tendency among long time practitioners of photography to require that a sharply focused element be present some where in an image, preferably at the point of interest. I have, in the last few years, been liberated from these chains of history. My currently exhibited work has images both finely focused and having no point of sharp rendering whatsoever. A tripod is one of my most valued tools, but I love the 30 second handheld moon lit images I made last month on the Gulf shore beaches of the American South.

Congratulations on making an outstanding, softly focused image of simple but dynamic palette and deliberate, solid composition that presents a familiar and iconic subject in a purely celebratory manner... t

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