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Nature abstract #1


This shot is more or less inspired by Freeman Patterson's work. The shallow depth of field is quite deliberate and is intended to turn a boring flower macro shot (2:1 ratio) in something a bit more abstract and original. Aperture was f/2.8. Cropped to about 85% of the original size. Uploaded June 13, 2002.


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An extreme (2:1) close up with deliberately shallow DOF. I wasn't

interested in realism, but in feelings - making the flower appear more

fragile, more poetic.

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look at the range of scores . . some people understand, some don't. Maybe being a Freeman Patterson fan helps.


This works for me. The sharp leaf is important. the neutral background is good . . many flower shots on this list suffer from not understanding this. I would crop off the left so the distance from the tip of the sharp leaf to the top and left edges is the same. I'll wait to rate it.

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Philippe, I like this photograph. I feel you achieved your intension.


The palette is wonderful, and the lone leaf in focus is catching - almost makes time look frozen. Reminds me of a David Lynch film.


I'd love for you to show us the original -- Carl is getting at something -- so many times just a subtle difference in cropping can make all the difference.

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Beautiful. Yes, the palette is superb and the shallow DOF is just right. I'm with Carl on the framing, although I find myself wishing there was both less on the left *and* more on the right & bottom.
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I agree ... for my taste, it needs ever-so-slightly less on the left and oh-so-slightly more on the bottom and possibly the right.


I love the color pallette -- I don't know if they're technically complementary with one another but to my eye, the color background is a perfect match for the colors of the subject -- and also the motion blur.


I've tried several times to create images such as this one and every time, I've failed dismally. Nicely done!

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The original, quickly rescanned - it seems that I didn't crop much, finally. I'm not quite sure what recrop you have in mind - please download my pic and give it a try. Keep in mind that I've never been a big fan of the square format!

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BTW, a friend of mine wanted to see more vivid colors; he considered this version as the strict minimum in terms of colors. I find it a bit too much, but what do you think?

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Well, here's my take on it. I trimmed a bit off the left and cloned a bit more onto the bottom. As much as I like square-format images -- the majority of my photos are composed and shot as squares -- I don't think it would work well for this image.


It appears the colors picked up a bit of saturation somewhere along the way (probably a color space mismatch) but to my eye, this composition looks a bit better balanced, top to bottom and side to side. What say the rest of you?

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I like it... Not exactly square, more like a 6x7. Maybe I could pretend I have a Pentax 67 instead of a Pentax Spotmatic? ;-)
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Actually, the aspect ratio is closer to a 6x8 than a 6x7. If you ever get serious about this format, Fuji makes a nice (but also very heavy and costly) 6x8 SLR as well as a Japanese market-only 6x8 version of their "Texas Leica" 6x7 and 6x9 fixed-lens rangefinders. If your budget's anything like mine, though, then cropping will probably have to do for now...


You know, the more I look at this image, the more I think it will benefit from being printed LARGE. I can easily see a 45x60 print of it hanging over my fireplace as a replacement for the 48x60 photo-realistic painting of a clown fish that's presently there. :^)

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So . . we hereby give you permission to submit the new improved crop. :-)


There are times when the 3/2 aspect ratio just doesn't work. I've tried to give myself permission to allow plenty of room in the shot knowing I can crop later. . . . this from a shooter whose primary goal is to capture a slide for slide competitions. Gepe makes mounts with different aspect ratios and they are permitted in most competitions. Previsualize.


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Soothing...Nice soft edges to match the softness of the color. I also like the sense of movement created by DOF in the further pedals. My eye would like something a bit more defined/crisp? in the focus plane, including the orange veins of the blossom. Overall a very nice macro.


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I love the softness, and the subtle colors. The shallow DOF is very effective. The blur especially on the edges looks to me like motion blur. (as if a slight breeze moved those outer petals diring the exposure.) I might suggest cropping a little from the left. I would just crop slightly...not too much. Overall, a very beautiful image that was executed quite nicely. Well done!
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Well I think you achieved the effect you were looking for. The overall impression I get is more like a painting than a photograph. None of the attempted crops improve it for me. Nice work.
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Like the blur caused by the movement. Not sure on the gray background, perhaps another color to bring out the flower more?
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